Linear Rhythm. A portrait of three artists - ACE425.2

1990. Linear Rhythm. A portrait of three artists - ACE425.2.

TitleLinear Rhythm. A portrait of three artists - ACE425.2

Chinese ink. Spray paint. Photographs of Mao Tse-Tung and tanks. Qu Lei-Lei’s VO says he wants "to find a place within the arena of a universal model right". Photograph of Chinese protestors. Photograph. People’s eyes. Woman’s VO reading poem about her "brown slit eyes". CHILDHOOD. Jin Mei-Ling reciting a poem which explains that she spent half her childhood hiding from racism and poverty, hating the stereotyped images of Chinese people she saw, and fantasising that she could change the world and control her destiny. Lucy Sheen acts out a piece for an "audition": as a child called Lai-Tun, believing she can straighten her nose by sleeping with a clothes peg on it, though it will make no difference to her eyes. CHILDHOOD. Qu making collage with caption written in Chinese. His VO says he "had a splendid childhood". Photographs of boy, Mao. VO saying that the pictures change because "there is always a different person reflected in the frame". Audition. Sheen explains that at eighteen years old, she anglicised her name and went to drama school; which somehow makes everything possible.

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Linear Rhythm. A portrait of three artists - ACE425.3
1990. Linear Rhythm. A portrait of three artists - ACE425.3.

Linear Rhythm. A portrait of three artists - ACE425.4
1990. Linear Rhythm. A portrait of three artists - ACE425.4.

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