Passages - ACE430.2

1993. Passages - ACE430.2.

TitlePassages - ACE430.2

Woman mixing powder colours. Artists’s materials. Woman drawing and colouring images. VO "… Instinctively I evolve spontaneous shapes, trying to follow visions in my mind…" Painting which becomes mixed with views of country road. Artist opening gates of large, old building. "Another stage in the journey that brings me here to a timeless retreat." Woman examining decor of room. "Ancient and eternal form. I see a vision of an electric energy." Paintings of gods and goddesses. Artist as goddess dancing with god. "Round they go. Identity in a state of motion…" Woman drawing with pastels. Looking at her paintings. Young man’s face appears to her. She sees herself in her painting. Poses in some dance postures. Credits.

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