Polishing Black Diamonds - ACE431.3

1988. Polishing Black Diamonds - ACE431.3.

TitlePolishing Black Diamonds - ACE431.3

Young women talking about how they respond to racism, and how they recognise that the countries their parents came from would be quite foreign to them. The young women taking part in an exercise to produce images and feelings of "home". Munirah women meeting. Administrator gives the history of the company, founded in 1983 as a theatre company that would offer more roles for women, and talks about her own work. Performance The Return of the Kink. Woman having her hair braided, explains that, when she visited Jamaica ten years earlier, she found that she was expected to have her hair in the latest style, not in cane rows. Performance continues. "No more perm and no more bleach…" Munirah member talks about writing The Return of the Kink as a way of working out some aspects of personal and cultural identity, with hair styles as a visible manifestation of a personal move towards European culture or towards "African-ness and Black-ness". She says that she now no longer finds it necessary to make such visible statements. Actress: "And to always give thanks for gifts received, from the unsung many who made your journey easier." Munirah member talking about what she sees as "a feeling of despair", among many people in Britain for whom there is "no way out" of their economic problems. Performance of The Trap. Credits – The Trap continues over.

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Polishing Black Diamonds - ACE431.2
1988. Polishing Black Diamonds - ACE431.2.

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