Tibetan Arts in Exile - ACE442.2

1991. Tibetan Arts in Exile - ACE442.2.

TitleTibetan Arts in Exile - ACE442.2

Caption: "Since the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1959, Tibetan religion and culture have been systematically destroyed. This programme explores how in exile the rich, ancient and unique Tibetan culture is being preserved." Religious statues and paintings. A prayer wheel. The Dalai Lama says it is sad that the planet is losing an ancient culture. Monks praying. Unnamed painter saying "Many have died of starvation and suffered in Tibet for freedom. So I ask you to help us gain our independence." Caption: "1959. China invades Tibet and subsequently occupies the country. The Dalai Lama, leader of Tibet, is forced to flee … and live in exile in India." Images of conflict and of Tibetans surrendering. Caption: "Dharamsala, India. Residence of the Tibetan government in exile." His Holiness the Dalai Lama says there have been some positive developments but immeasurable negative ones, as well as violations of human rights. His VO over photographs of "Gamden Monastery before 1959 … and after 1959". Tashi says that only Chinese is now taught in schools so Tibetans are unable to read their own language. "Therefore we can’t read our mantras (prayers), which are written in Tibetan" which causes people a lot of stress. Boys reading prayers. Deyke Doynden, Manager of the Centre for Tibetan Arts, talking about destruction of Tibetan culture by the Chinese (shots of damaged statues, etc.) and about the establishment of workshops which enable the continuation of Tibetan culture. Centre for Tibetan Arts & Crafts at Kangra (Himachal Pradesh). Men carving wooden panels and drawing. Dalai Lama says that Tibetan culture, especially the Buddhist elements, seems now to be available only outside Tibet. Caption: "Eskdalemuir, Scotland." Kagyu Samye Ling Tibetan Centre. Scenes at the monastery. Akong Rinpoche, Abbot of Samye Ling, Scotland, explains that this is the first centre outside Tibet where religion and arts and crafts are all to be found in one place. Its aims are to preserve Tibetan culture, traditions and religion, to be a bridge between East and West, and to offer a quiet space where anyone can come to rest. Scenes inside the monastery including couple working on large painting. Figurine of praying monk, gilded carvings, paintings. His Eminence, Khentin Tai Situpa, talks about Tibetan painting and artists’ training, both of which are closely tied to Buddhism. Statues. Paintings. He explains that paintings, which he describes as being used for meditation, are of two kinds, one showing some particular manifestation of Buddha, the other being a mandala, in which patterns and colour combinations represent key points in individual metaphysics.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

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Tibetan Arts in Exile - ACE442.3
1991. Tibetan Arts in Exile - ACE442.3.

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