Kosovo and Transitional Justice: the Pursuit of Justice After Large Scale-Conflict

Hehir, A. and Sheremeti, Furtuna (ed.) 2021. Kosovo and Transitional Justice: the Pursuit of Justice After Large Scale-Conflict. London Routledge.

TitleKosovo and Transitional Justice: the Pursuit of Justice After Large Scale-Conflict
EditorsHehir, A. and Sheremeti, Furtuna

This book analyses efforts to achieve justice in Kosovo for victims of crimes committed during the conflict in the 1990s, relating this to broader debates on transitional justice.

The war in Kosovo has come under the jurisdiction of a number of mechanisms which fit within the broader framework of transitional justice. These include international tribunals (the ICTY), international organisations with judicial mandates within Kosovo (UNMIK and EULEX), ad-hoc hybrid tribunals (the Kosovo Specialist Chambers) and truth-seeking mechanisms (RECOM and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission). Collectively, these developments make Kosovo a profoundly important case study on the contemporary efficacy of transitional justice. This volume analyses the nature and impact of the various mechanisms employed to date in Kosovo to determine their effects within the country, and their broader international significance. Various critical issues are examined through an exploration of the institutional mechanisms employed in each case, their coherence with existing theories on "best practice" principles, and the broader implications of their efficacy in Kosovo.

Transitional justice
International Law
Publication dates
Published15 Jul 2021
Place of publicationLondon
SeriesRoutledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003079781
Web address (URL)https://www.routledge.com/Kosovo-and-Transitional-Justice-The-Pursuit-of-Justice-After-Large-Scale-Conflict/Hehir-Sheremeti/p/book/9780367529017

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