Japanese Expanded Cinema and Intermedia: Critical Texts of the 1960s

Hirasawa, G., Adachi-Tasch, A. and Ross, J. (ed.) 2020. Japanese Expanded Cinema and Intermedia: Critical Texts of the 1960s. Berlin Archive Books.

TitleJapanese Expanded Cinema and Intermedia: Critical Texts of the 1960s
EditorsHirasawa, G., Adachi-Tasch, A. and Ross, J.
PublisherArchive Books
Publication dates
Published28 Sep 2020
Place of publicationBerlin
Web address (URL)https://www.archivebooks.org/japanese-expanded-cinema-and-intermedia-critical-texts-of-the-1960s/

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v75q4/japanese-expanded-cinema-and-intermedia-critical-texts-of-the-1960s

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