The Routledge Handbook for Regional Design

Neuman, M. and Zonneveld, W. (ed.) 2021. The Routledge Handbook for Regional Design. New York Routledge.

TitleThe Routledge Handbook for Regional Design
EditorsNeuman, M.
Zonneveld, W.

The Routledge Handbook of Regional Design explores contemporary research, policy, and practice that highlight critical aspects of strategy-making, planning, and designing for contemporary regions—including city regions, bioregions, delta regions, and their hybrids.

As accelerating urbanization and globalization combine with other forces such as the demand for increasing returns on investment capital, migration, and innovation, they yield cities that are expanding over ever-larger territories. Moreover, these polycentric city regions themselves are agglomerating with one another to create new territorial mega-regions. The processes that beget these novel regional forms produce numerous and significant effects, positive and negative, that call for new modes of design and management so that the urban places and the lives and well-being of their inhabitants and businesses thrive sustainably into the future.

With international case studies from leading scholars and practitioners, this book is an important resource not just for students, researchers, and practitioners of urban planning, but also policy makers, developers, architects, engineers, and anyone interested in the broader issues of urbanism.

Keywordsurban design
urban planning
Publication dates
Published15 Apr 2021
Place of publicationNew York
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

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