Gilad and all that Jazz

Alamouti, D. 2012. Gilad and all that Jazz.

TitleGilad and all that Jazz
CreatorsAlamouti, D.

Gilad Atzmon is one of modern music's best saxophonists, and one of the most controversial public opponents of Israel. A gentle giant, warm, charismatic and somewhat shy, Gilad is a complex character. Born into a pro-Zionist family and serving briefly in the first Lebanon War, Gilad had a dramatic turnaround; he quit the army, picked up his sax and exiled himself to London, declaring himself an enemy to the Israeli state.
Since then he has produced some of the modern era's greatest Jazz albums, and collaborated with Ian Dury, Paul McCartney and Sinead O' Connor. In music he is a 'feisty improviser' as one critic put it, comparing him to the likes of Charlie Parker. In his political and philosophical ideas, he is blunt and outspoken. His ideas on Israel and "Jewishness" have upset many people, to the extent that he has been labelled a holocaust denier and an anti-Semite. In Gilad's life, music and politics are inseparable.
"Gilad and All That Jazz" offers a unique insight in to the life, ideas, music and motivations driving the great Saxophonist.

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Publication dates
Published01 Nov 2012

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