Space and Subjectivity in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema

da Silva, A.M. and Cunha, M. (ed.) 2017. Space and Subjectivity in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema. Springer.

TitleSpace and Subjectivity in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema
Editorsda Silva, A.M. and Cunha, M.

Provides unique analyses that shape understandings of spatiality as a powerful condition of cinema that can reveal aesthetic, political, social, and historical meanings of the cinematographic image
Brings together scholars with approaches that connect to Brazilian Studies, Film Studies, Latin American Studies, Architecture, Cultural Geography, Urban studies, Visual and Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, and more
Offers research that includes, but goes beyond, discussion of favelas (slums) and the sertão (‘backlands’), thus broadening the set of spatial practices and experiences, and the roles of cinematic spaces in the construction of subjectivities in the discussed films

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