The Windrush Compensation Scheme: Unmet Need For Legal Advice

Lewis, L., Smith, H. and Steiner, A. 2022. The Windrush Compensation Scheme: Unmet Need For Legal Advice. University of Westminster.

TitleThe Windrush Compensation Scheme: Unmet Need For Legal Advice
AuthorsLewis, L., Smith, H. and Steiner, A.
TypeProject report

The aim of this research was to obtain a better understanding of the unmet need for legal advice amongst those who have been affected by the Windrush scandal, as well as other factors influencing the success of claims. The research is also intended to inform the development of the Windrush Justice Clinic (WJC) and to assess how best the Clinic can deliver support to those who most need it.
The research found that:
a. the WCS application process is too complex for claimants to complete alone and the limited support provided by the Home Office is insufficient; b. legal advice and support is necessary for claimants to prepare their applications, provide necessary evidence and pursue reviews if appropriate; c. other than the WJC and its partner organisations, there are very few sources of totally free and easily accessible legal advice for WCS claimants in the UK; d. this preliminary research has been unable to quantify the exact number of people with an unmet need. However, available statistics suggest that it is highly likely that there are significant numbers of people who have been affected by the Windrush Scandal who would benefit from from legal advice to make a claim under the WCS, seek a review of an existing offer, or to ensure payment of an award that has been offered.

KeywordsWindrush Compensation Scheme
Legal Advice
PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Publication dates
Published27 May 2022
ProjectWindrush Justice Clinic: research on unmet need amongst potential claimants under the Windrush Compensation Scheme.
FunderUniversity of Westminster
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

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