Tissue Remodeling in Health and Disease Caused by Bacteria, Parasites, Fungi, and Viruses

Lange, S. and Ramirez, M. (ed.) 2021. Tissue Remodeling in Health and Disease Caused by Bacteria, Parasites, Fungi, and Viruses . Lausanne Frontiers Media S.A..

TitleTissue Remodeling in Health and Disease Caused by Bacteria, Parasites, Fungi, and Viruses
EditorsLange, S. and Ramirez, M.

Tissues undergo constant remodeling to maintain architecture during growth, in normal physiology and in response to disease. Interactions of the host with commensals and pathogens may affect immune responses and tissue remodeling, including for example through the generation of neo-epitopes and resulting in damage-associated molecular patterns. Roles for the microbiome, viriome, parasites, and fungi in host-pathogen interactions and in homeostasis is a current topic with considerable interest regarding effects relating to the gut-brain axis, chronic disease, cancer, dysbiosis, host metabolism, and drug metabolism. This E-book contains state-of-the-art primary research studies and review articles from international experts and diverse leading groups in the field to further current understanding of the contributions of commensals and pathogens in tissue remodeling in physiological and pathophysiological processes of the host.

PublisherFrontiers Media S.A.
Publication dates
PublishedMar 2021
Place of publicationLausanne
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.3389/978-2-88966-580-8
CC BY 4.0
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Web address (URL)https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/11029/tissue-remodeling-in-health-and-disease-caused-by-bacteria-parasites-fungi-and-viruses

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