Gendered Discourses of Responsibility and Domestic Abuse Victim-Blame in the English Children’s Social Care System

Wild, J. 2023. Gendered Discourses of Responsibility and Domestic Abuse Victim-Blame in the English Children’s Social Care System. Journal of Family Violence. 38, pp. 1391-1403.

TitleGendered Discourses of Responsibility and Domestic Abuse Victim-Blame in the English Children’s Social Care System
TypeJournal article
AuthorsWild, J.

This paper foregrounds the experiences of mothers involved with England’s children’s social care system when experiencing domestic abuse. It reports on data from a survivor-led study on domestic violence and/or abuse (DVA), involving women victim-survivors and domestic abuse practitioners. It aimed to understand how dominant discourses governing child protection work with families in which there is a perpetrator of DVA, might be revised to shift a tendency to hold mothers (solely) responsible for the protection of children as well as for their partners’ abuse.

The study advances a discourse analysis of interview and focus group data, substantiating how children’s social care practices produce the routine responsibilisation of the non-abusing parent, usually the mother, with limited focus on the abusing parent, usually the father.

The paper exposes the gendered discourses of mother-victim-blame and responsibility patterning children’s social care responses to domestic abuse, which together intensify adult and child victim-survivor material harm and hamper child protection work. Also in evidence are the enduring traumatic consequences of the court-ordered removal of children.

The paper has implications for policy and practice, asserting that shifting responsibility away from mothers requires the ongoing interrogation of normative understandings of gender relations and gender-role stereotypes as they manifest in families. Fathers’ accountability should be constructed on a structural as well as individual level, which in the case of DVA and the family, incorporates efforts to enable perpetrators of DVA to cultivate an individual sense of responsibility and accountability, as standard practice.

Keywordsdomestic abuse
social care
discourse analysis
JournalJournal of Family Violence
Journal citation38, pp. 1391-1403
Publisher's version
CC BY 4.0
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Published online23 Sep 2022
Published in print2023

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