The operation of the 'hidden':towards an understanding of architectural and urban space, the case of Omonia square

Driva, Lida-Evangelia 2023. The operation of the 'hidden':towards an understanding of architectural and urban space, the case of Omonia square . MPhil thesis University of Westminster Architecture and Cities

TitleThe operation of the 'hidden':towards an understanding of architectural and urban space, the case of Omonia square
TypeMPhil thesis
AuthorsDriva, Lida-Evangelia

My fascination with this particular theme seems to have always existed in my mind without a particular framework or content, seeking different ways to be expressed. The origins of this research project date back to my dissertation project entitled The aesthetic perception of a landscape through the exploration of the uncanny-the case of Vouliagmeni lake, written during my undergraduate studies in Architecture at the Technical University of Crete, and my essays entitled The urban uncanny through the modernisation of the city, The case of the underground and This is not cartography:The power of a myth, The case of the labyrinth during my MA in Landscape Urbanism at the Architectural Association.

First of all, I would like to thank very much my Director of Studies Dr. Constance Lau and my supervisor Dr. Alessandro Ayuso for our collaboration, and their inspiring guidance, support and encouragement throughout this project. I am also grateful to Dr. Ro Spankie, who as a external assessor in my Annual Progess Reviews, has given me valuable feedback and comments to push the research further. I would also like to thank Dr. Douglas Spencer with whom I initially started this research project as my first Director of Studies back in 2018, who encouraged me to pursue my interests as a research project. Many hours discussing the operation of the ‘hidden’ as a tool for interpreting urban spaces and the case study with my former Professor Dr. Nikolas Patsavos and my colleague and friend Vasilis Tsesmetzis have provided inspiration and contributed to the development of the thesis. They also gave me insightful comments and suggestions, as they were familiar with the case study. I would also like to thank my family and friends for their encouragement and support during this whole period. Finally, I am grateful to the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation for funding this research project.

File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
ProjectThe operation of the 'hidden':towards an understanding of architectural and urban space, the case of Omonia square
PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Publication dates
PublishedFeb 2023
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

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