Spatial Justice After Apartheid: Nomos in the Postcolony

Barnard-Naudé, J. and Chryssostalis, J.H. (ed.) 2022. Spatial Justice After Apartheid: Nomos in the Postcolony. Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

TitleSpatial Justice After Apartheid: Nomos in the Postcolony
EditorsBarnard-Naudé, J. and Chryssostalis, J.H.

This book considers the question of spatial justice after apartheid from several disciplinary perspectives – jurisprudence, law, literature, architecture, photography and psychoanalysis are just some of the disciplines engaged here. However, the main theoretical device on which the authors comment is the legacy of what in Carl Schmitt’s terms is nomos as the spatialised normativity of sociality. Each author considers within the practical and theoretical constraints of their topic, the question of what nomos in its modern configuration may or may not contribute to a thinking of spatial justice after apartheid.

On the whole, the collection forces a confrontation between law’s spatiality in a “postcolonial” era, on the one hand, and the traumatic legacy of what Paul Gilroy has called the “colonial nomos”, on the other hand. In the course of this confrontation, critical questions of continuation, extension, disruption and rewriting are raised and confronted in novel and innovative ways that both challenge Schmitt’s account of nomos and affirm the centrality of the constitutive relation between law and space. The book promises to resituate the trajectory of nomos, while considering critical instances through which the spatial legacy of apartheid might at last be overcome.

KeywordsSpatial justice
Legal Theory
Post-colonial studies
Socio-legal studies
Political geography
Law and space
spatial normativity
Critical Legal Theory
Political philosophy
Publication dates
Published25 Aug 2022
Place of publicationAbingdon, Oxon
SeriesLaw and the Postcolonial
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
ProjectSpatial justice in the postcolony: Legacies of the nomos of apartheid
FunderBritish Academy Newton Advanced Fellowship

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