Dialogic pedagogy: the importance of dialogue in teaching and learning

Skidmore, D. and Murakami, K. (ed.) 2016. Dialogic pedagogy: the importance of dialogue in teaching and learning. Multilingual Matters.

TitleDialogic pedagogy: the importance of dialogue in teaching and learning
EditorsSkidmore, D. and Murakami, K.

This book provides a wide-ranging and in-depth theoretical perspective on dialogue in teaching. It explores the philosophy of dialogism as a social theory of language and explains its importance in teaching and learning. Departing from the more traditional teacher-led mode of teacher–student communication, the dialogic approach is more egalitarian and focuses on the discourse exchange between the parties. Authors explore connections between dialogic pedagogy and sociocultural learning theory, and argue that dialogic interaction between teacher and learners is vital if instruction is to lead to cognitive development. The book also presents prosody as a critical resource for understanding between teachers and students, and includes some of the first empirical studies of speech prosody in classroom discourse.

PublisherMultilingual Matters
Publication dates
Published01 Aug 2016
Web address (URL)https://curis.ku.dk/portal/en/publications/dialogic-pedagogy(7b353877-8e17-4b43-bcda-5efda0cb3fe5).html

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/w66vq/dialogic-pedagogy-the-importance-of-dialogue-in-teaching-and-learning

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