A proactive approach to protect cloud computing environment against DDoS attack

Md. Mamun Ahmed and Ayman El Hajjar 2023. A proactive approach to protect cloud computing environment against DDoS attack. in: Hamid Jahankhani, Arshad Jamal and Guy Brown (ed.) AI, Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity in Higher Education Switzerland Springer. pp. 243-278

Chapter titleA proactive approach to protect cloud computing environment against DDoS attack
AuthorsMd. Mamun Ahmed and Ayman El Hajjar
EditorsHamid Jahankhani, Arshad Jamal and Guy Brown

The current range of technological and physical advances mostly rely on load dispersion as well as demand delays which modern security solutions are equipped to defend against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) threats. Clients and website visitors consequently encounter time delays, captchas, and delayed connectivity. In this chapter, we provide a novel layered solution for cloud-based DDoS defence that makes use of Advanced Malware methods and a proactive method for identifying anomalies in traffic behaviour. The model’s first level assesses the packet arrival frames’ starting origin IP address, while the second level looks at request speed and forecasts the threat speed threshold. The third tier, if necessary, minimises the traffic burden by redirecting the traffic towards the proxy. In case a specific web application is the target of the assault, the fifth layer decides whether port-hopping is necessary between the gateway and the destination website. Numerous studies demonstrate how well a multilayer strategy can recognise and limit threats from such a diverse variety of known and undisclosed sources.

Cloud Computing
Book titleAI, Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity in Higher Education
Page range243-278
Publication dates
Published23 Jun 2023
Place of publicationSwitzerland
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-33627-0

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