A ‘Public Service Internet’—Reclaiming the Public Service Mission

Jay, H. 2024. A ‘Public Service Internet’—Reclaiming the Public Service Mission. The Political Quarterly. 95 (1), pp. 64-69. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-923x.13337

TitleA ‘Public Service Internet’—Reclaiming the Public Service Mission
TypeJournal article
AuthorsJay, H.

This article looks forward, locating debates on public service broadcasting firmly within contemporary and future debates about technology regulation. Public service broadcasting has been a dominant theme in UK media policy since the creation of the BBC in 1922, aimed at delivering positive democratic and cultural outcomes. However, despite this rich heritage, and amidst widespread concerns about the social and democratic implications of ‘digital dominance’, the public service mission has failed fully to transcend its broadcasting origins and provide a model for a ‘public service internet’. The article reviews the relationship between the for-profit business models of the dominant technology platforms and potential civic and individual harms, past and failed attempts to reimagine ‘public service’ institutions in a digital age and identifies opportunities for scholars, activists and policy makers to reimagine public service alternatives for a platform society.

JournalThe Political Quarterly
Journal citation95 (1), pp. 64-69
Publisher's version
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-923x.13337
Publication dates
Published online14 Dec 2023
Published in printJan 2024

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/w7432/a-public-service-internet-reclaiming-the-public-service-mission

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