Mediated ownership: capital as media

Nathan Schneider 2020. Mediated ownership: capital as media. Media, Culture & Society. 42 (3), pp. 449 - 459.

TitleMediated ownership: capital as media
TypeJournal article
AuthorsNathan Schneider

This article unravels opportunities that arise from regarding corporate capital as media. First, it reviews relevant overlaps between media theory and legal theory. Second, it considers cases in which capital ownership can be best understood as mediated, affective claims. Third, it explores how recognizing capital as media can open doors to constructive, creative entrepreneurship and activism – to the point of reinventing or undermining received practices of capital ownership altogether. When we think of capital ownership as mediation, we discover our institutional surroundings to be more vulnerable to critical research and more pliable to tactical intervention.

JournalMedia, Culture & Society
Journal citation42 (3), pp. 449 - 459
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Published10 Apr 2020

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