
Whyte, A. 2024. Introduction. in: Whyte, A., Tuitt, P. and Bourne, J. (ed.) The Long Walk to Equality London University of Westminster. pp. 1-12

Chapter titleIntroduction
AuthorsWhyte, A.
EditorsWhyte, A., Tuitt, P. and Bourne, J.

In 1965 the UK enacted the Race Relations Act while the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) opened for signature and ratification. Both marked the commitment—domestically by the UK and internationally by the state parties to the ICERD—to address racial injustice and inequality through legal means. Yet, the intervening years reveal the challenges and prospects of pursuing racial justice and equality through the medium of law. For example, allegations of institutional racism have been levelled against numerous public organs and some private bodies in the UK; while the rise of populism in political discourse and practices has challenged the ability of law to effect change in places like the US.
It is against this backdrop that a conference, “Race: Why Can’t Law Effect Genuine Equality?”, took place at St Mary’s University, London, in December 2018. Many of the chapters here began as papers presented at the conference. The chapters seek to distil and examine the plurality of law in respect of racial (in)equality and (in)justice. They do so in relation to academia (Tuitt and Bourne), the legal profession and the police (Chronopoulou, Whyte and Kandelia) and by considering the issues in relation to State authority and power (Keane, Vasileiadou and Smith).
By exploring these contemporary issues in racial justice and equality, this book examines the role of law—whether domestic or international, hard or soft—in advancing racial equality and justice. It does so from a multiplicity of perspectives, including socio-legal, theoretical and empirical, thereby generating different kinds of knowledge about race and law.

Legal Profession
Legal Academia
Stop and Search
Terrorism Funds
The International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination
Book titleThe Long Walk to Equality
Page range1-12
PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Publication dates
Published21 Feb 2024
Place of publicationLondon
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Web address (URL)

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