7Cs in the Anthropocene: Underpinnings, Processes, Practices of Moving Toward Creative Confidence in All We Humans Do in the Anthropocene

Forbes, D. 2024. 7Cs in the Anthropocene: Underpinnings, Processes, Practices of Moving Toward Creative Confidence in All We Humans Do in the Anthropocene. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Arts https://doi.org/10.34737/wq701

Title7Cs in the Anthropocene: Underpinnings, Processes, Practices of Moving Toward Creative Confidence in All We Humans Do in the Anthropocene
TypePhD thesis
AuthorsForbes, D.

This commentary seeks to bridge a gap in methodologies, and hence methods, for building creative confidence in the Anthropocene period. As I will discuss in my commentary, creative confidence includes the abilities to define and solve problems in new ways, to think and explore expansively, to create and build. Throughout my extensive career as an artist and college instructor/lecturer domains, I have actively explored diverse methodologies to enhance the creative problem-solving abilities of artists, educators, students, and community agencies. Over time, it has become evident that these investigations, using existing methodologies, (e.g. Design Thinking, Universal Design for Learning) predominantly revolve around devising solutions within the confines of human-defined predicaments, often regarding human exceptionalism as the standard in solutions. In a quest for healthier, more productive methods for building creative confidence, to approach solutions to human created problems, I am respectfully continuing to learn about Canadian Indigenous Ways of Knowing. Story, image, lived experience, and particularly circularity and reciprocity, are Canadian Indigenous pathways I am conscientiously traveling along in my ongoing learning journey. The present Anthropocene period unequivocally underscores that the gravest concerns imperiling our planet stem from human actions. Consequently, it becomes imperative to transcend the limitations of human-centric viewpoints. This is the gap that 7Cs in the Anthropocene seeks to bridge, at a time that our earth deeply needs the workings of creative confidence to help solve the problems of this age.

The six published works and the commentary, elaborate and illustrate the origins and potential of inclusive, circular processes (methods) denoted as the 7Cs (curiosity, connection, collaboration, complexity, chaos, creativity, courage), rooted in Indigenous methodologies of story and image that I use with care and gratitude, in all my work.

File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
ProjectDoctoral Research Project
PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Publication dates
Published16 May 2024
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.34737/wq701

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/wq701/7cs-in-the-anthropocene-underpinnings-processes-practices-of-moving-toward-creative-confidence-in-all-we-humans-do-in-the-anthropocene

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