Himalayas from its edges: networks, identities, and place-making

Kaul, N., Anand, D., Gohain, S., Mukherjee, S., Datta, S., Chawla, S., Desal, T., Palmo, T. and Deka, K. Kaul, N., Anand, D., Gohain, S. and Mukherjee, S. (ed.) 2024. Himalayas from its edges: networks, identities, and place-making. Paris European Bulletin of Himalayan Research.

TitleHimalayas from its edges: networks, identities, and place-making
AuthorsKaul, N., Anand, D., Gohain, S., Mukherjee, S., Datta, S., Chawla, S., Desal, T., Palmo, T. and Deka, K.
EditorsKaul, N., Anand, D., Gohain, S. and Mukherjee, S.

While the perspectives of sovereign nation-states have tended to dominate how the Tibeto-Himalayan region has been shaped, viewed and lived in the last century, we argue for adoption of multidisciplinary perspectives that focus on flows and interactions rather than the limited frames of state-centred exchanges. Collating empirically grounded studies from different parts of the Himalayas, this special issue highlights the cross-border networks, negotiated identities and politics of place that are directly and indirectly enabled by state practices and are enacted in the lives of the people in the region. This issue offers a critical understanding of the tangled role of cultural, material, political and economic factors that have informed historical and contemporary processes in the Himalayas. In this introductory paper, we highlight the Himalayas as a productive site of contestation before identifying some of the connections and ruptures that mark it. A useful way to understand the region and its peoples is through the foregrounding of networks, identities and place-making that mark its lived realities.

Himalayan Studies
Arunachal Pradesh
PublisherEuropean Bulletin of Himalayan Research
Publication dates
Published03 Aug 2024
Place of publicationParis
EditionCentre d'etudes sud-asiatiques et himalayennes (UMR8077 CNRS/EHESS
Web address (URL)https://journals.openedition.org/ebhr/2240

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3Es for AI: Economics, Explanation, Epistemology
Dr Nitasha Kaul 2022. 3Es for AI: Economics, Explanation, Epistemology. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 5 833238. https://doi.org/10.3389/frai.2022.833238

Friendship and International Relations in the Himalayas: Bhutan, Britain and the 1910 Treaty of Punakha
Dr Nitasha Kaul 2022. Friendship and International Relations in the Himalayas: Bhutan, Britain and the 1910 Treaty of Punakha. Itinerario: Journal of Imperial and Global Interactions. 46 (3), pp. 417-438. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0165115322000067

China: Xinjiang :: India: Kashmir
Kaul, N. 2022. China: Xinjiang :: India: Kashmir. in: Byler, D., Franceschini, I. and Loubere, N. (ed.) Xinjiang Year Zero Canberra, Australia Australia National University (ANU) Press. pp. 219-230

Beyond India and China: Bhutan as a Small State in International Relations
Kaul, N. 2022. Beyond India and China: Bhutan as a Small State in International Relations . International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. 22 (2), pp. 297-337. https://doi.org/10.1093/irap/lcab010

Invited Speaker, "Blurring Boundaries? Illiberal conservatism and the New Right", panel on "Illiberal Conservatism and the New Right -- Cross-National Entanglements"
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Invited Plenary Speaker, "Global Authoritarian Populism Workshop" (panel with Bill Schwarz, Dan Nexon, Walden Bello)
Kaul, N. 2021. Invited Plenary Speaker, "Global Authoritarian Populism Workshop" (panel with Bill Schwarz, Dan Nexon, Walden Bello). Global Authoritarian Populism Workshop. City University, London (online) 09 - 10 Sep 2021

Developmental Challenges in Bhutan and how to overcome them
Kaul, N. 2021. Developmental Challenges in Bhutan and how to overcome them. (essay competition for Bhutanese undergraduate students). Thimphu/London, Bhutan/UK (online) 20 Dec 2021

Organiser and Speaker, "Bhutan Development and Resilience Early Career Researchers’ Conference”
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Invited Speaker, "The Transnational Right in World Politics", (panel with Nicholas Michelsen, Mustafa Kutlay, Xin Fan)
Kaul, N. 2021. Invited Speaker, "The Transnational Right in World Politics", (panel with Nicholas Michelsen, Mustafa Kutlay, Xin Fan). The Global Webinar on the International System of Power. City University, London (online) 26 Nov 2021

Invited Speaker "Blurring Boundaries? Illiberal conservatism and the New Right", panel on "Illiberal Conservatism and the New Right -- Cross-National Entanglements"
Kaul, N. 2021. Invited Speaker "Blurring Boundaries? Illiberal conservatism and the New Right", panel on "Illiberal Conservatism and the New Right -- Cross-National Entanglements". International Workshop organized by OEI Sociology and SCRIPTS Berlin (Research Units Borders and Orders). Freie Universität Berlin (online) 30 Sep - 01 Oct 2021

Invited Speaker, "Rising India, Falling Freedoms: Hindutva Visions of Dissent and Democracy", (panel with Professors Purnima Bose and Mona Bhan, Pralay Kanungo, Bernadette Marie White, Zainab Farhat)
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Invited Speaker, Lecture titled “Desiderata for 21st Century Decolonisations”
Kaul, N. 2021. Invited Speaker, Lecture titled “Desiderata for 21st Century Decolonisations”. Organised by TAPAS (The Task Force for Asian American Progressive Advocacy and Studies). Harvard College, USA, (online) 06 Dec 2021

Challenging Institutional Racism in International Relations and Our Profession: Reflections, Experiences, and Strategies
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Bhutan and India: The Importance of Subnational Diplomacy
Kaul, N. and Rabgyal, D. 2021. Bhutan and India: The Importance of Subnational Diplomacy. 9 Dash Line.

Bhutan and Northeast India: Subnational Diplomacy Possibilities
Kaul, N. and Rabgyal, D. 2021. Bhutan and Northeast India: Subnational Diplomacy Possibilities. South Asian Voices.

Proceedings of Bhutan: Biodemocracy & Resilience Conference 2020
Kaul, N., Khandu, S. and Mangdip, T. 2021. Proceedings of Bhutan: Biodemocracy & Resilience Conference 2020. Bhutan Centre for Local Governance & Research.

The Misogyny of Authoritarians in Contemporary Democracies
Kaul, N. 2021. The Misogyny of Authoritarians in Contemporary Democracies. International Studies Review. 23 (4), pp. 1619-1645. https://doi.org/10.1093/isr/viab028

COVID in India: a tragedy with its roots in Narendra Modi’s leadership style
Kaul, N. 2021. COVID in India: a tragedy with its roots in Narendra Modi’s leadership style. theconversation.com.

Hindutva in Western Societies: Entanglements and Paradoxes
Kaul, N. and Menon, A. 2021. Hindutva in Western Societies: Entanglements and Paradoxes. in: Gowricharn, R. (ed.) New Perspectives on the Indian Diaspora India Routledge. pp. 160-184

Small state, big example: Covid pandemic management in Bhutan
Kaul, N. 2021. Small state, big example: Covid pandemic management in Bhutan. Critical Studies on Security. 9 (1), pp. 58-62. https://doi.org/10.1080/21624887.2021.1904359

Representing Bhutan: A Critical Analysis of the Politics of Knowledge Production
Kaul, N. 2021. Representing Bhutan: A Critical Analysis of the Politics of Knowledge Production. The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. 49 (4), pp. 629-657. https://doi.org/10.1080/03086534.2021.1883245

Coloniality and/as Development in Kashmir: Econonationalism
Kaul, N. 2021. Coloniality and/as Development in Kashmir: Econonationalism. Feminist Review. 128 (1), pp. 114-131. https://doi.org/10.1177/01417789211016490

'Where is Bhutan?': The Production of Bhutan's Asymmetrical Inbetweenness in Geopolitics
Kaul, N. 2021. 'Where is Bhutan?': The Production of Bhutan's Asymmetrical Inbetweenness in Geopolitics. Journal of Asian Studies. pp. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021911820003691

Modi: myth and the man
Anand, D. and Kaul, N. 2020. Modi: myth and the man . The Telegraph India.

Islamophobia in India
Kaul, N. 2020. Islamophobia in India. Society and Space.

Future Tense
Kaul, N. 2020. Future Tense . New Delhi HarperCollins.

China : Xinjiang :: India : Kashmir
Kaul, N. 2020. China : Xinjiang :: India : Kashmir. Made in China Journal.

The Stones of Kashmir
Kaul, N. 2020. The Stones of Kashmir. ADI Magazine: Rehumanizing Policy.

Modi: myth and the man
Kaul, N. and Anand, D. 2020. Modi: myth and the man. The Telegraph.

Proceedings of Bhutan: Biodemocracy & Resilience Conference 2019
Kaul, N. and Khandu, S. 2020. Proceedings of Bhutan: Biodemocracy & Resilience Conference 2019. Bhutan Centre for Local Governance & Research.

Trump’s offer on Kashmir: Does it matter?
Kaul, N. 2020. Trump’s offer on Kashmir: Does it matter? National Herald.

Small state relations: Bhutan and Bangladesh
Kaul, N. and Khandu, S. 2020. Small state relations: Bhutan and Bangladesh. Asia Dialogue.

Bhutan-India Relations in the 21st Century
Kaul, N. and Khandu, S. 2020. Bhutan-India Relations in the 21st Century. 9 Dash Line. https://www.9dashline.com/article/bhutan-india-relations-in-the-21st-century1.

Kashmir is a dress rehearsal for Hindu nationalist fantasies
Anand, D. 2019. Kashmir is a dress rehearsal for Hindu nationalist fantasies. Foreign Policy.

Finding the Ways Forward on Kashmir
Kaul, N. 2019. Finding the Ways Forward on Kashmir. Centre on Constitutional Change.

Media, money and majoritarianism: The Indian elections 2019
Kaul, N. 2019. Media, money and majoritarianism: The Indian elections 2019. Asia Dialogue.

Kashmir Is Under the Heel of India’s Colonialism
Kaul, N. 2019. Kashmir Is Under the Heel of India’s Colonialism. Foreign Policy.

Written Testimony of Dr Nitasha Kaul
Kaul, N. 2019. Written Testimony of Dr Nitasha Kaul. US House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and Nonproliferation (Committee on Foreign Affairs).

The Political Project of Postcolonial Neoliberal Nationalism
Kaul, N. 2019. The Political Project of Postcolonial Neoliberal Nationalism. Indian Politics & Policy. 2 (1), pp. 3-30. https://doi.org/10.18278/inpp.2.1.2

Colonization with Chinese Characteristics: Politics of (In)Security in Xinjiang and Tibet
Anand, D. 2019. Colonization with Chinese Characteristics: Politics of (In)Security in Xinjiang and Tibet. Central Asian Survey. 38 (1), pp. 129-147. https://doi.org/10.1080/02634937.2018.1534801

How a rape exposes the conflict between two visions of India
Anand, D. 2018. How a rape exposes the conflict between two visions of India. This Week in Asia.

Appropriating Ayodhya on “Valour Day”: Hindu Nationalism and Pilgrimage as Politics
Anand, D. 2018. Appropriating Ayodhya on “Valour Day”: Hindu Nationalism and Pilgrimage as Politics. in: Pinkney, A.M. and Whalen-Bridge, J. (ed.) Religious Journeys in India Albany State University of New York Press. pp. 91-116

Knowing In Our Own Ways
Kaul, N. 2018. Knowing In Our Own Ways . Economic and Political Weekly. 53 (47), pp. 33-35.

Banning Taste: Boycotts, Identity, and Resistance
Conway, D., Brighi, E., Kaul, N. and Khalili, L. 2018. Banning Taste: Boycotts, Identity, and Resistance. in: Schwabe, A., Pascu, D.F. and Connuck, J. (ed.) The Empire Remains Shop New York, US Columbia University Press. pp. 47-50

India’s obsession with Kashmir: democracy, gender, (anti-)nationalism
Kaul, N. 2018. India’s obsession with Kashmir: democracy, gender, (anti-)nationalism. Feminist Review. 119 (1), p. 126–143. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41305-018-0123-x

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Kaul, N. 2017. "Democracy" (pp. 59-61) and "Identity Cards" (pp. 139-141). in: Morley, S., Turner, J., Corteen, K. and Taylor, P. (ed.) A Companion to State Power, Liberties and Rights Bristol Policy Press University of Bristol. pp. 59-61, 139-141

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Kaul, N. 2017. Kashmir: The communalisation of a political dispute. Aljazeera.

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Kaul, N. 2017. “We want freedom” ~ Kashmir, a photo essay. Cafe Dissensus.

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Kaul, N. 2017. Rise of the Political Right in India: Hindutva-Development Mix, Modi Myth, and Dualities. Journal of Labor and Society. 20 (4), pp. 523-548. https://doi.org/10.1111/wusa.12318

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Anand, D. 2016. Zee Media Took Down My Article On Kashmir Without Offering Any Explanation. Thewire.in.

Being Human
Kaul, N. 2016. Being Human. Kindle Magazine.

Kaul, N. 2016. Poems. in: 40 Under 40 Mumbai, India Paperwall Media & Publishing Pvt.Ltd. pp. 198

Kashmiri Pandits are a Pawn in the Games of Hindutva Forces
Kaul, N. 2016. Kashmiri Pandits are a Pawn in the Games of Hindutva Forces. Thewire.in.

From Gandhi and Mandela to Modi in South Africa
Kaul, N. 2016. From Gandhi and Mandela to Modi in South Africa. The Daily Vox.

From funerals to freedom for Kashmir: undoing the Great Indian Democracy
Kaul, N. 2016. From funerals to freedom for Kashmir: undoing the Great Indian Democracy. openDemocracy.

As Sushma meets Xi, a question lingers: where exactly is the India-China border
Anand, D. 2015. As Sushma meets Xi, a question lingers: where exactly is the India-China border. Scroll.in.

Words and Worlds: Linguicide
Kaul, N. 2015. Words and Worlds: Linguicide. Kindle Magazine.

Poems by Nitasha Kaul
Kaul, N. 2015. Poems by Nitasha Kaul. Kindle Magazine.

Why the New Film About the Gang Rape and Murder of Jyoti Singh Is Required Viewing
Kaul, N. 2015. Why the New Film About the Gang Rape and Murder of Jyoti Singh Is Required Viewing. The Nation.

Stormy Days Ahead for the BJP-PDP alliance of Opposites
Kaul, N. 2015. Stormy Days Ahead for the BJP-PDP alliance of Opposites. The Quint.

Mother Wit
Kaul, N. 2015. Mother Wit. Kindle Magazine.

On Hindutva hate politics: A few things I wasn't able to discuss with Ram Madhav on Al Jazeera
Kaul, N. 2015. On Hindutva hate politics: A few things I wasn't able to discuss with Ram Madhav on Al Jazeera. Scroll.in.

Hoping for a ‘Spring’ in Tibet: an Analogy that Kills
Anand, D. 2014. Hoping for a ‘Spring’ in Tibet: an Analogy that Kills. The Kindle.

1962 India-China War: Wrong lessons
Anand, D. 2014. 1962 India-China War: Wrong lessons. The Economic Times.

Kaul, N. 2014. Residue . New Delhi Rupa Publications (Rainlight Imprint).

Greatwall of Tibet
Anand, D. 2013. Greatwall of Tibet. Gateway House.

A Road to Dominance?
Anand, D. 2013. A Road to Dominance? The Kindle.

The Book of Love
Kaul, N. 2013. The Book of Love. Kindle Magazine.

Divorce in Bhutan
Kaul, N. 2013. Divorce in Bhutan. in: Emery, R.E. (ed.) Cultural Sociology of Divorce: An Encyclopedia Sage.

Everything I cannot tell you About the Women of Kashmir
Kaul, N. 2013. Everything I cannot tell you About the Women of Kashmir. in: Shah, F. (ed.) Of Occupation and Resistance: Writings from Kashmir New Delhi Westland and Traquebar Press. pp. 252-258

Kashmir: a place of blood and memory
Kaul, N. 2013. Kashmir: a place of blood and memory. in: Kak, S. (ed.) Until my Freedom has Come: The New Intifada in Kashmir Chicago Haymarket Books. pp. 189-212

The idea of India and Kashmir
Kaul, N. 2013. The idea of India and Kashmir. Seminar. 643, pp. 72-75.

Fashion: Theory and Praxis
Kaul, N. 2013. Fashion: Theory and Praxis. Kindle Magazine.

Beyond Maps, Beyond Nations
Kaul, N. 2013. Beyond Maps, Beyond Nations. New Internationalist.

The Heart of Darkness
Kaul, N. 2013. The Heart of Darkness. Kindle Magazine.

Remembering 1962 Sino-Indian border war: politics of memory
Anand, D. 2012. Remembering 1962 Sino-Indian border war: politics of memory. Journal of Defence Studies. 6 (4), pp. 229-248.

Indian fantasies about Gujarat and Narendra Modi
Anand, D. 2012. Indian fantasies about Gujarat and Narendra Modi. The Guardian.

Hindu nationalism 'bigger threat than Islam'
Anand, D. 2012. Hindu nationalism 'bigger threat than Islam'. The Vancouver Sun.

India's Tibet Problem
Anand, D. 2012. India's Tibet Problem. Indian Express.

Who are You?
Kaul, N. 2012. Who are You? Kindle Magazine.

The last hope
Kaul, N. 2012. The last hope. Kindle Magazine.

Strangers of Sofia
Kaul, N. 2012. Strangers of Sofia. Kindle Magazine.

Recalling Morocco
Kaul, N. 2012. Recalling Morocco. Kindle Magazine.

Once upon a time in Copenhagen
Kaul, N. 2012. Once upon a time in Copenhagen. Kindle Magazine.

Recalling Saigaon
Kaul, N. 2012. Recalling Saigaon. Kindle Magazine.

In Hanoi
Kaul, N. 2012. In Hanoi. Kindle Magazine.

China and India: postcolonial informal empires in the emerging global order
Anand, D. 2012. China and India: postcolonial informal empires in the emerging global order. Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society. 24 (1), pp. 68-86. https://doi.org/10.1080/08935696.2012.635039

Buddha's not smiling
Anand, D. 2011. Buddha's not smiling. The Hindustan Times.

Who can carry the Dalai Lama's legacy?
Anand, D. 2011. Who can carry the Dalai Lama's legacy? The Guardian.

China fears the living Tibetans – not those who set fire to themselves
Anand, D. 2011. China fears the living Tibetans – not those who set fire to themselves. The Guardian.

Revisiting the China-India Border Dispute: An Introduction’
Anand, D. 2011. Revisiting the China-India Border Dispute: An Introduction’. China Report. 47 (1), pp. 65-69. https://doi.org/10.1177/000944551104700201

Hunger, Resistance and Creativity
Kaul, N. 2011. Hunger, Resistance and Creativity. Kindle Magazine.

Of a Woman's Body
Kaul, N. 2011. Of a Woman's Body. Kindle Magazine.

Night As It Was
Kaul, N. 2011. Night As It Was. Kindle Magazine.

Kaul, N. 2011. India/China/Kashmir/Tibet. Kindle Magazine.

MC Kash: That Bayonet of a Voice
Kaul, N. 2011. MC Kash: That Bayonet of a Voice. Kindle Magazine.

Musings on Political Machismo
Kaul, N. 2011. Musings on Political Machismo. Kindle Magazine.

Hope and Despair
Kaul, N. 2011. Hope and Despair. Pratilipi: a bilingual literary journal.

Women in Bhutan
Kaul, N. 2011. Women in Bhutan. in: Encyclopedia of Women in Today′s World Sage.

A disruptive ethnography of Tanzanian-Indians
Anand, D. and Kaul, N. 2011. A disruptive ethnography of Tanzanian-Indians. South Asian Diaspora. 3 (2), pp. 183-195. https://doi.org/10.1080/19438192.2011.579457

On Loving and Losing Kashmir
Kaul, N. 2011. On Loving and Losing Kashmir. in: Pande, I. (ed.) A Tangled Web: Jammu & Kashmir India HarperCollins. pp. 42-53

On Loving and Losing Kashmir
Kaul, N. 2011. On Loving and Losing Kashmir. India International Centre Quarterly. 34 (3/4), pp. 42-53.

Cultural Econo-Mixes of the Bazaar
Kaul, N. 2011. Cultural Econo-Mixes of the Bazaar. in: Pollard, J., McEwan, C. and Hughes, A. (ed.) Postcolonial Economies London Zed Books. pp. 107-128

How many zeroes are there in a trillion? On Economics, Neoliberalism and Economic Justice
Kaul, N. 2011. How many zeroes are there in a trillion? On Economics, Neoliberalism and Economic Justice. openDemocracy.

Hindu nationalism in India and the politics of fear
Anand, D. 2011. Hindu nationalism in India and the politics of fear. New York Palgrave Macmillan.

The Violent Vocabulary of Policing
Anand, D. 2010. The Violent Vocabulary of Policing. Critical Legal Thinking.

The Next Dalai Lama: China has a choice
Anand, D. 2010. The Next Dalai Lama: China has a choice. The Guardian.

Every Life is a Sentence: An Introduction
Kaul, N. 2010. Every Life is a Sentence: An Introduction. in: Kaul, N. (ed.) November Light: An Anthology of Creative Writing from Bhutan Bhutan Kuensel.

India's big guns bazaar
Kaul, N. 2010. India's big guns bazaar. openDemocracy.

Generating Islamophobia in India
Anand, D. 2010. Generating Islamophobia in India. in: Sayyid, S. and Vakil, A. (ed.) Thinking through Islamophobia London C. Hurst.

Challenging “Tibetan exceptionalism”: Exotica Tibet as an orientalist construct
Anand, D. 2010. Challenging “Tibetan exceptionalism”: Exotica Tibet as an orientalist construct. in: Arslan, S. and Schwieger, P. (ed.) Tibetan Studies. An Anthology. Proceedings of the 11th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006 Halle International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies.

Beyond Tibet
Anand, D. 2010. Beyond Tibet. in: Knott, K. and McLoughlin, S. (ed.) Diasporas: concepts, identities, intersections London Zed.

Diasporic subjectivity as an ethical position
Anand, D. 2009. Diasporic subjectivity as an ethical position. South Asian Diaspora. 1 (2), pp. 103-111. https://doi.org/10.1080/19438190903109412

Moving beyond the blame game: China-India border relations
Anand, D. 2009. Moving beyond the blame game: China-India border relations. East Asian Forum.

Strategic hypocrisy: the British imperial scripting of Tibet's geopolitical identity
Anand, D. 2009. Strategic hypocrisy: the British imperial scripting of Tibet's geopolitical identity. Journal of Asian Studies. 68 (1), pp. 227-252. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021911809000011

Off the wall thinking
Anand, D. 2009. Off the wall thinking. Indian Express.

China and Tibet: Tibet Matters
Anand, D. 2009. China and Tibet: Tibet Matters. World Today.

India's Congress needs coalition politics
Anand, D. 2009. India's Congress needs coalition politics. The Guardian.

China's borderlands: the need to rethink
Anand, D. 2009. China's borderlands: the need to rethink. openDemocracy.

The City and Im/Passivity
Kaul, N. 2009. The City and Im/Passivity. Pratilipi: a bilingual literary journal.

The Day That Came To Us
Kaul, N. 2009. The Day That Came To Us. Pratilipi: a bilingual literary journal.

Who Carries Out Spectacular Acts of Terrorism and Why?
Kaul, N. 2009. Who Carries Out Spectacular Acts of Terrorism and Why? CTheory. 31 (3).

Letter (to my fictional characters in the city of Berlin)
Kaul, N. 2009. Letter (to my fictional characters in the city of Berlin). in: Reyes, H. and Derbyshire, K. (ed.) Berlin (City-lit series) London Oxygen books. pp. 220-222

The House I'll Soon Give Up
Kaul, N. 2009. The House I'll Soon Give Up. Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society. 21 (4), pp. 619-620. https://doi.org/10.1080/08935690903145879

A view on the London Book Fair
Kaul, N. 2009. A view on the London Book Fair. Notes from the Underground.

Wine, Women, Valentine
Kaul, N. 2009. Wine, Women, Valentine. Outlook Magazine.

Economics Turning People into Things
Kaul, N. 2009. Economics Turning People into Things. Development. 52, pp. 298-301. https://doi.org/10.1057/dev.2009.43

Elderly Single Women and Urban Property: When a Room of One’s Own Becomes a Curse
Kaul, N. 2009. Elderly Single Women and Urban Property: When a Room of One’s Own Becomes a Curse. Gender & Development. 17 (3), pp. 493-502. https://doi.org/10.1080/13552070903299186

Democracy in the Non-West: Facts, Fictions and Frictions
Kaul, N. 2009. Democracy in the Non-West: Facts, Fictions and Frictions. Beyond the Ballot Box: Report from the Deepening and Sustaining Democracy in Asia Conference. Bhutan 11 - 14 Nov 2009 Centre for Bhutan Studies.

Tibet: a victim of geopolitics
Anand, D. 2009. Tibet: a victim of geopolitics. New Delhi Routledge.

Anand, D. 2009. Nationalism. in: Shepherd, L.J. (ed.) Gender matters in global politics: a feminist introduction to international relations London Routledge. pp. 280-291

So many ways to Tibet
Anand, D. 2008. So many ways to Tibet. Indian Express.

Beijing's Best Bet
Anand, D. 2008. Beijing's Best Bet. Times of India.

Tibet, China, and the west: empires of the mind
Anand, D. 2008. Tibet, China, and the west: empires of the mind. openDemocracy.

India's peaceful illusion has been shattered
Anand, D. 2008. India's peaceful illusion has been shattered. The Guardian.

Hope and Despair
Kaul, N. 2008. Hope and Despair. Pratilipi: a bilingual literary journal.

Democracy is all you need?
Kaul, N. 2008. Democracy is all you need? The Edinburgh Journal.

Die jüngste Demokratie der Welt
Kaul, N. 2008. Die jüngste Demokratie der Welt. Kulturaustausch: Zeitschrift für internationale Perspektiven.

Unscheduled Halt
Kaul, N. 2008. Unscheduled Halt. South Asian Review. 29 (3), pp. 218-228. https://doi.org/10.1080/02759527.2008.11932634

Power to the People
Kaul, N. 2008. Power to the People. CSD Bulletin. 15 (2), pp. 1-2 & 20.

Lessons for the World
Kaul, N. 2008. Lessons for the World. Times of India.

Bhutan is neither authoritarian nor stuck in a time warp
Kaul, N. 2008. Bhutan is neither authoritarian nor stuck in a time warp. The Guardian.

Bearing Better Witness in Bhutan
Kaul, N. 2008. Bearing Better Witness in Bhutan. Economic and Political Weekly. XLIII (37), pp. 67-69.

Bankers on Benefit
Kaul, N. 2008. Bankers on Benefit. Znet.

Bhutan crowns a jewel
Kaul, N. 2008. Bhutan crowns a jewel. UPI Asia.

Porno-nationalism and the male subject: an ethnography of Hindu nationalist imagination in India
Anand, D. 2008. Porno-nationalism and the male subject: an ethnography of Hindu nationalist imagination in India. in: Parpart, J.L. and Zalewski, M. (ed.) Rethinking the man question: sex, gender and violence in international relations London Zed.

Dangers of management speak: politics of crisis management and erasures of histories
Anand, D. 2008. Dangers of management speak: politics of crisis management and erasures of histories. in: Eskola, S. (ed.) Crisis management in crisis? Helsinki National Defence University. pp. 19-24

Geopolitical exotica: Tibet in Western imagination
Anand, D. 2007. Geopolitical exotica: Tibet in Western imagination . Minnesota, USA University of Minnesota Press.

Western colonial representations of the other: the case of Exotica Tibet
Anand, D. 2007. Western colonial representations of the other: the case of Exotica Tibet. New Political Science. 29 (1), pp. 23-42. https://doi.org/10.1080/07393140601170685

Imagining Economics Otherwise: encounters with identity/difference
Kaul, N. 2007. Imagining Economics Otherwise: encounters with identity/difference. London Routledge.

Anxious sexualities: masculinity, nationalism and violence
Anand, D. 2007. Anxious sexualities: masculinity, nationalism and violence. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 9 (2), pp. 257-269. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-856X.2007.00282.x

Archive and the Poetics of ‘Exotica Tibet’
Anand, D. 2006. Archive and the Poetics of ‘Exotica Tibet’. in: Tibetan Borderlands Leiden Brill. pp. 49-66

The West and the Tibetan issue
Anand, D. 2006. The West and the Tibetan issue. in: Sautman, B. and Teufel Dreyer, J. (ed.) Contemporary Tibet: politics, development, and society in a disputed region Armonk, N.Y., USA M.E. Sharpe, Inc. pp. 285-304

The violence of security: Hindu nationalism and the politics of representing 'the Muslim' as a danger
Anand, D. 2005. The violence of security: Hindu nationalism and the politics of representing 'the Muslim' as a danger. The Round Table: the commonwealth journal of international affairs. 94 (379), pp. 201-213. https://doi.org/10.1080/00358530500099076

Writing Economic Theory AnOther Way
Kaul, N. 2004. Writing Economic Theory AnOther Way. in: Charusheela, S. and Zein-Elabdin, E. (ed.) Postcolonialism Meets Economics London Routledge.

Review of K. Saunders (ed.), “Feminist Post-Development Thought: Rethinking Modernity, Post-colonialism and Representation
Kaul, N. 2004. Review of K. Saunders (ed.), “Feminist Post-Development Thought: Rethinking Modernity, Post-colonialism and Representation. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 6 (2), pp. 353-355. https://doi.org/10.1080/1461674042000211380

Reading the Tibetan Diaspora: ‘Culture’ and ‘Nation’ as Strategic Constructs
Anand, D. 2003. Reading the Tibetan Diaspora: ‘Culture’ and ‘Nation’ as Strategic Constructs. Anglo-Saxonica. II (19), pp. 77-92.

Review of P.I. Olson and Z. Emami (eds), “Engendering Economics: Conversations with Women Economists in the United States
Kaul, N. 2003. Review of P.I. Olson and Z. Emami (eds), “Engendering Economics: Conversations with Women Economists in the United States. The Economic Journal (Journal of the The Royal Economic Society). 113 (485), pp. 203-206. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-0297.t01-3-00105

The anxious identities we inhabit…Post’isms and Economic Understandings
Kaul, N. 2003. The anxious identities we inhabit…Post’isms and Economic Understandings. in: Barker, D. and Kuiper, E. (ed.) Toward A Feminist Philosophy of Economics London Routledge.

A contemporary story of "diaspora": the Tibetan version
Anand, D. 2003. A contemporary story of "diaspora": the Tibetan version. Diaspora: a journal of transnational studies. 12 (2), pp. 211-229.

A Story to be Told: IR, Postcolonialism, and the Tibetan (Trans)nationalism
Anand, D. 2002. A Story to be Told: IR, Postcolonialism, and the Tibetan (Trans)nationalism. in: Power, Postcolonialism, and International Relations: Reading Race, Gender and Class London Routledge.

Review of S. Hekman (ed.), “Feminism, Identity and Difference
Kaul, N. 2002. Review of S. Hekman (ed.), “Feminism, Identity and Difference. Feminist Economics. 8 (3), pp. 127-131. https://doi.org/10.1080/13545700210138703

Review of World Bank Policy Research Report, “Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources and Voice
Kaul, N. 2002. Review of World Bank Policy Research Report, “Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources and Voice. Journal of Development Studies . 38 (6), pp. 170-172. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220380412331322631

A critical 'post' to critical realism
Kaul, N. 2002. A critical 'post' to critical realism. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 26 (6), pp. 709-726. https://doi.org/10.1093/cje/26.6.709

“Neoclassical Economics”, “Feminist Economics”, “Experimental Economics”, “Paul Samuelson” and “New Household Economics”
Kaul, N. 2001. “Neoclassical Economics”, “Feminist Economics”, “Experimental Economics”, “Paul Samuelson” and “New Household Economics”. in: Michie, J. (ed.) Readers Guide to the Social Sciences London Fitzroy Dearborn.

Feminism in Economics: Theoria and Aporia
Kaul, N. 2001. Feminism in Economics: Theoria and Aporia. in: Assiter, A., Britton, C. and Brina, C. (ed.) Millenial Visions: Feminisms into the 21st Century Cardiff Cardiff Academic Press.

(Re)imagining nationalism: identity and representation in the Tibetan diaspora of South Asia
Anand, D. 2000. (Re)imagining nationalism: identity and representation in the Tibetan diaspora of South Asia. Contemporary South Asia. 9 (1), pp. 271-287. https://doi.org/10.1080/713658756

A guide to little Lhasa in India: The role of symbolic geography of Dharamsala in constituting Tibetan Diasporic Identity
Anand, D. 2000. A guide to little Lhasa in India: The role of symbolic geography of Dharamsala in constituting Tibetan Diasporic Identity. in: Tibet, Self, and the Tibetan Diaspora Leiden Brill. pp. 11-36

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