Fantasy/Animation: Connections Between Media, Mediums and Genres

Christopher Holliday and Alexander Sergeant (ed.) 2018. Fantasy/Animation: Connections Between Media, Mediums and Genres. Routledge.

TitleFantasy/Animation: Connections Between Media, Mediums and Genres
EditorsChristopher Holliday and Alexander Sergeant

This book examines the relationship that exists between fantasy cinema and the medium of animation. Animation has played a key role in defining our collective expectations and experiences of fantasy cinema, just as fantasy storytelling has often served as inspiration for our most popular animated film and television. Bringing together contributions from world-renowned film and media scholars, Fantasy/Animation considers the various historical, theoretical, and cultural ramifications of the animated fantasy film. This collection provides a range of chapters on subjects including Disney, Pixar, and Studio Ghibli, filmmakers such as Ralph Bakshi and James Cameron, and on film and television franchises such as Dreamworks’ How To Train Your Dragon (2010–) and HBO’s Game of Thrones (2011–).

Publication dates
SeriesAFI Film Readers
Web address (URL)
JournalAFI Film Readers

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