Human Development – Economic Growth Nexus: The case of ECOWAS Member States.

Omoyiola, L. 2024. Human Development – Economic Growth Nexus: The case of ECOWAS Member States. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation. XI (VII), pp. 484-494.

TitleHuman Development – Economic Growth Nexus: The case of ECOWAS Member States.
TypeJournal article
AuthorsOmoyiola, L.

In recent decades, human development and economic growth have become fundamental indicators of a nation’s progress, serving as key objectives for governments and policymakers in their pursuit of poverty alleviation and societal advancement. According to the United Nations (UN), development transcends mere economic growth, and there exists a vital connection between human development and economic prosperity. The UN underscores that as people’s capabilities are expanded and their well-being elevated, they become more productive contributors to the economy. This imperative correlation between human development captured through the Human Development Index (HDI) and economic growth has ignited discussions on refining the measurements of progress (UNDP, 2021). Therefore, the utilization of the Human Development Index has expanded the scope of discussions on development by encompassing more comprehensive concepts of sustainability, beyond mere economic viewpoints, in the evaluation of development metrics

Keywordshuman development
ECOWAS countries
JournalInternational Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation
Journal citationXI (VII), pp. 484-494
PublisherInternational Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web address (URL)
Publication dates
Published06 Aug 2024

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