“What you say in the lab, stays in the lab”: A reflexive thematic analysis of current challenges and future directions of digital forensic investigations in the UK

Ng, M., James, J. and Bull, R. 2024. “What you say in the lab, stays in the lab”: A reflexive thematic analysis of current challenges and future directions of digital forensic investigations in the UK. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation. 51 301839. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsidi.2024.301839

Title“What you say in the lab, stays in the lab”: A reflexive thematic analysis of current challenges and future directions of digital forensic investigations in the UK
TypeJournal article
AuthorsNg, M., James, J. and Bull, R.

Despite digital evidence nowadays playing a major role in criminal investigations and being intrinsic to almost every criminal trial, research in digital forensics (DF) and national approaches to digital evidence in relation to investigating officers and court personnel remain almost non-existent. This research seeks to remedy this issue by qualitatively examining the accounts and experiences of 16 digital forensic investigators (DFIs) in England and Wales who took part in semi-structured interviews. We analyzed the data using a reflexive thematic analysis and identified four overarching themes: (i) Navigating tensions with investigating officers (that has a subtheme of ‘Tensions with legal professionals and challenges navigating court theatrics’) (ii) The psychological, emotional, and existential challenges confronted by DFIs; (iii) Identifying the potential and pitfalls of automation and AI in DF and (iv) The centrality of academia in the advancement of DF (that has a subtheme of ‘Validation of tools as a crucial step in digital forensics’). These new findings reveal that DFIs encounter significant demands to perform well and are continuously overburdened while juggling many roles. This research serves as a pivotal starting point for broader discussions.

Article number301839
JournalForensic Science International: Digital Investigation
Journal citation51
Publisher's version
CC BY 4.0
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsidi.2024.301839
Publication dates
Published online09 Oct 2024

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