Book review: Development After the End of the World: Lives Amid Violence: Transforming Development in the Wake of Conflict, by Mareike Schomerus, London, Bloomsbury, 2022, 158 pp., £28.99 (paperback), £85.00 (hardback), $115.00 (hardback), ISBN 9780755640836. Civil Wars, 1–3.
Chandler, David 2024. Book review: Development After the End of the World: Lives Amid Violence: Transforming Development in the Wake of Conflict, by Mareike Schomerus, London, Bloomsbury, 2022, 158 pp., £28.99 (paperback), £85.00 (hardback), $115.00 (hardback), ISBN 9780755640836. Civil Wars, 1–3. Civil Wars. 26 (4), pp. 733-736.