Delivering enterprise resource planning systems through application service providers

Ekanayaka, Y., Currie, W.L. and Seltsikas, P. 2002. Delivering enterprise resource planning systems through application service providers. Logistics Information Management. 15 (3), pp. 192-203.

TitleDelivering enterprise resource planning systems through application service providers
TypeJournal article
AuthorsEkanayaka, Y., Currie, W.L. and Seltsikas, P.

This paper presents research findings from an in‐depth study on the global application service provider (ASP) industry. It explores the potential for Web‐enabling enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems for small and medium‐sized companies on a per‐seat, per‐month basis. Findings from field research suggest that, while the ASP business model offers many advantages for customers, few companies are prepared to outsource their mission‐critical ERP systems to ASPs. This situation has led to many large and small ASP vendors to re‐think their strategic business plans, with some high profile failures. Evaluating the situation from a market, organizational and technical analysis of the ASP industry, this paper argues that, while the ASP model is currently immature, the next three years will see the emergence of more clearly defined enterprise ASP offerings from key players in the software and computing services industry.

JournalLogistics Information Management
Journal citation15 (3), pp. 192-203
PublisherMCB UP Ltd
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Published01 Aug 2002

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