A Philosophy of Textile: between practice and theory

Dormor, C. 2020. A Philosophy of Textile: between practice and theory. London Bloomsbury Academic.

TitleA Philosophy of Textile: between practice and theory
AuthorsDormor, C.

Textile is at once a language, a concept and a material thing. Philosophers such as Plato, Deleuze and Derrida have notably drawn on weaving processes to illustrate their ideas, and artists such as Ann Hamilton, Louise Bourgeois and Chiharu Shiota explore matters such as the seam, the needle and thread, and the flow of viscous materials in their work. Yet thinking about textile and making textile are often treated as separate and distinct practices, rather than parallel modes.

This beautifully illustrated book brings together for the first time the language and materiality of textile to develop new models of thinking, writing and making. Through the work of thinkers such as Roland Barthes, Hélène Cixous and Luce Irigaray, and international artists like Eva Hesse and Helen Chadwick, textile practitioner, theorist and writer Catherine Dormor puts forward a new philosophy of textile. Exploring the material behaviours and philosophical language of folding, shimmering, seaming, viscosity, fraying and caressing, Dormor demonstrates how textile practice and theory are intricately woven together.

Keywordstextile, art, practice, research
PublisherBloomsbury Academic
Publication dates
Published10 Dec 2020
Place of publicationLondon

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/wyz99/a-philosophy-of-textile-between-practice-and-theory

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