Grove Music

CollaboratorsHenry Martin (Director) and Steve Shaw (Director)
One line synopsisBlack youth culture - particularly in relation to reggae music - in London’s Notting Hill area around the time of the 1980 Carnival.

Production companyIsha Films
Running time48 minutes
Full credits

Camera Steve Shaw;
Sound John Lundsten;
Production Manager Chris Rose;
Production Assistant Paul Anderson;
Research Jacqui Boyce;
Interviews Colin Prescod;
Mix Downs Mikey "Big Dread" Campbell;
Concert Cameras Tim Johnson,
Kim Longinotto,
Chris Cox,
Steve Shaw;
Editor Kevin Hewitt;
Director Henry Martin;
Produced by Isha Films;
Bands appearing were Black Harmony & Inity Rhythm,
Sons of Jah,
Junior Brown;
Also appearing Massiah Sound System.
Arts Council of Great Britain

Film segmentGrove Music - ACE105.2
Grove Music - ACE105.3
Grove Music - ACE105.4
Grove Music - ACE105.5
Grove Music - ACE105.6
Grove Music - ACE105.7
Web address (URL)

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