Shepherd’s Calendar

CollaboratorsMilfid Ellis (Director) and William Tuckett (Choreographer)
One line synopsisOne of a series of dance pieces created specially for television: traditional dance patterns and Morris dances employed in tracing the course of the seasons.

Morris dancers run through forest to barn, and uncover woman dressed in green. "Spring." Woman dances. Men dance and beat their staves. Woman in white in high-hedged garden. "Summer." Woman dances. Men dance in. Woman in brown. "Autumn." She becomes pregnant. Burning straw. "Winter." In heathland, men dance round woman now in black. Woman on her own. Men arrive with rustic stretcher on which they cover up the woman. They leave and go back to the forest. Credits.

Production companyAirtight Films
Running time9 minutes
Full credits

Lauren Potter with The Ironmen & Severn Gilders.
Director Milfid Ellis;
Choreographer William Tuckett;
Photography Patrick Duval;
Editor Christ Wyatt;
Music Ben Pope;
Designer Michael Howells;
Costume Designer John Krausa;
Make Up Peter King,
Kirsty Stanway;
Sound Recordist Jeff Mathews;
Dubbing Nigel Heath;
Production Assistant Mick Williams,
Tessa Hallett;
Production Trainee Maxine Doyle;
Executive Producers for the Arts Council and the BBC
Rodney Wilson,
Bob Lockyer;
Producer David Stacey.
An Airtight Films Production for BBC and the Arts Council of England.
© BBC and the Arts Council of England MCMXCVI.

Film segmentShepherd’s Calendar - ACE320.2
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