2 into 1 / Misfit

CollaboratorsGillian Wearing (Director) and Sam Taylor Wood (Director)
One line synopsisTwo short films in a series featuring performance artists: Hilary Greene and her sons swap dialogue, and Kylie Minogue mimes to someone else’s recording.

Woman mimes while boy’s voice speaks words. Two schoolboys – one mimes to voice of his mother. Second boy mimes while mother speaks. All describing each other and their interactions.
Kylie Minogue miming to recording of the last known castrato singer.

Production companyEuphoria Films
Running time9 minutes
Full credits

Mother, Hilary Greene;
2 Sons, Alex and Lawrence Greene.
Camera Vron Harris;
Sound Engineer David Cunningham;
Editing Gillian Wearing;
Produced by kd digital.
Incipit Lamentatio, sung by Alessandro Moreschi
the last known recording of a castrato, 1904.
Camera Kate Stark;
Sound remastering David Cunningham;
Produced by kd digital;
Titles Paul Harrison,
John Wood;
Executive Producers Keith Alexander,
Rodney Wilson;
Series Producers Sophie Gardiner,
Debra Hauer.
Euphoria Films for BBC Television and Arts Council of England.
© BBC Television/Arts Council of England MCMXCVII.

Film segment2 into 1 / Misfit - ACE337.2
2 into 1 / Misfit - ACE337.3
Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/portfolio/v5z2v/2-into-1-misfit

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