No Waiting on an Angel

CollaboratorsHans Beenhakker (Director) and Hans Beenhakker (Choreographer)
One line synopsisOne of a series of dance pieces created specially for television: the consequences of self-realisation.

Young woman in clay brick house finds photograph. Outside she meets a man who follows her. People coming from all directions and watch the man and woman who several times throws herself backwards but is always caught by him. Woman goes away across sands and climbs onto rocks in sea. The others walking towards her see her fall backwards out of sight. Credits.

Production companyEgmond Film and Television
Running time7 minutes
Full credits

Egmond Film and Television.
Director [& Choreographer] Hans Beenhakker;
Music Cornelius Borgolte ;
[Photography Claire Pijman];
[Editing Piet Oomes];
[Sound Taoufik Mekkraz];
[Sound Mixing Michael Lücker];
[Production Hans de Weers],
Hans de Wolf];
[Executive Producer NPS Brechtje Schaling];
[Executive Producer Arts Council Rodney Wilson].
Tiger Aspect Productions for BBC Arts Council England & NPS Television.
© BBC & Arts Council England MMIII.

Film segmentNo Waiting on an Angel - ACE394.2
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