Arab Media Centre

Group leaderProf Tarik Sabry
Prof Naomi Sakr
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The Arab Spring a decade on: Revolution, Counter-Revolution and the transformation of a region.


Aouragh, M. 2022. The Arab Spring a decade on: Revolution, Counter-Revolution and the transformation of a region. Amsterdam Transnational Institute Amsterdam.

“Morocco’s Arab Spring Protests: Transmediality as ‘Doing-Publicness’”

Book chapter

Sabry, T. 2021. “Morocco’s Arab Spring Protests: Transmediality as ‘Doing-Publicness’” . in: Bacon, S. (ed.) Transmedia Cultures London Peter Lang.

Regulating Children’s Media Content in Morocco: Policy Paper

Technical report

Sabry, T. and Ait Mansour, H Forthcoming. Regulating Children’s Media Content in Morocco: Policy Paper. Morocco Economia Magazine.

Culture, Time and Publics in the Arab World: Media, Public Space and Temporality


Sabry, T. Sabry, T. (ed.) 2019. Culture, Time and Publics in the Arab World: Media, Public Space and Temporality. London I.B. Tauris.

Children and Screen Media in Changing Arab Contexts: An Ethnographic Perspective


Sabry, T. and Mansour, N. 2019. Children and Screen Media in Changing Arab Contexts: An Ethnographic Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan.

(Mis)trust, Access and the Poetics of Self-Reflexivity: Arab Diasporic Children in London and Media Consumption

Book chapter

Mansour, N. and Sabry, T. 2017. (Mis)trust, Access and the Poetics of Self-Reflexivity: Arab Diasporic Children in London and Media Consumption. in: Sakr, N. and Steemers, J. (ed.) Children’s TV and Digital Media in the Arab World Childhood, Screen Culture and Education London and New York I.B. Tauris.

Survival or Sustainability? Contributions of Innovatively-Managed News Ventures to the Future of Egyptian Journalism

Journal article

Sakr, N. 2016. Survival or Sustainability? Contributions of Innovatively-Managed News Ventures to the Future of Egyptian Journalism. Journal of Media Business Studies. 13 (1), pp. 45-59.

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