Dr Anastasia Angelopoulou

I am a Senior Lecturer (equiv. to Associate Professor) of Computer Science and Mathematics at the School of Computer Science and Engineering since 2005, and a Co-Leader of the Health and Social Care Modelling research group.
I am also a Fellow of UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and a certified STEM Ambassador.
I have more than 5 years industry experience in UK and Greece, and I have worked as image processing assistant and software developer in companies such as Incredible Networks Ltd., FLAG Atlantic UK Limited, and ALPHABET ABEE.
My scientific research started with my Ph.D. in artificial neural networks under time constraints (e.g. fast-autonomous AI systems for real-time applications), an area with great interest in Healthcare settings, -e.g., for better management of resources and wellbeing amongst elderly population, and Sustainable cities. This intradisciplinary and holistic research approach aims to advance the state-of-the-art in ML-based AI systems by researching and developing (i) adaptive models which consider challenges in different domains with similar theoretical frameworks, (ii) self-learning, self-organising algorithms under specific time/environmental constrains, and (iii) an orchestration framework for reliable, trustworthy systems with AI ethical standards and principles. All the above have been evidenced with my continuous involvement, participation, and delivery of such autonomous ML-based AI systems either via research grants, -e.g., external and internal, publications in Tier-1 journals and top conferences, and grant reviewer invitations from research councils.
Awards, Grants and markers of esteem.
2018: awarded research grant from the Dunhill Medical Trust together with colleagues from the Cognitive Computing Research Lab (UoW) and the Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre (DCAL) at UCL.
2018: GPU Small Grant from NVIDIA. We have been donated (1) Titan V to support our research on hand gesture/face depth map from a monocular image or video without apriori depth information.
2018: Lead editor for the Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience journal special issue on "Brain Inspired Intelligent Systems for Daily Assistance", Hindawi, December 2018.
2017: (with 3 colleagues from the Dept. of Computer Science) "Westminster Teaching Excellence Team Award 2017" for contributions to the Mathematics provision.
2017: evaluation panellist for the 2016 call - Lifelong Learning for Intelligent Systems by CHIST-ERA (a consortium of funding organisations in Europe with programmes supporting research in ICT) as rapporteur for 1 proposal relevant to brain-computer interfaces and co-rapporteur for 3 others in relation to autonomous vehicles.
2016: Elsevier Outstanding Review Status, Applied Soft Computing Journal in recognition of contributions to the quality of the journal over the last 10 years.
2015: Area editor for the Neural Processing Letters Journal special issue on "Neural Networks for Vision and Robotics", Springer, May 2015.
My current research interests include Computer Vision, Sign Language Recognition, Multimedia Systems, Image Processing, Brain-Computer Interface Systems, and multi-modal Human-Computer Interaction. I am regular technical reviewer for scientific journals and conferences with high impact factor. My publication track record (+50 publications) includes 1 Springer book chapter, 7 Tier 1 journals (e.g. Neural Networks, Neurocomputing, Real-Time Image Processing) and 30 highly competitive conferences (e.g. ICCV, ECCV, ACCV, IJCNN, HCI, IWANN) .
I have been involved as PI or co-investigator in several research grants and consultancy projects::
1) ATDA-BSL:: Automated Diagnostic Toolkit for Dementia in Ageing Deaf Users of British Sign Language (BSL) (2018/2020) (RPGF1802\37). The Dunhill Medical Trust. Grant Value: £65,173. Role: Principal Investigator.
2) Christmas Truce Tale (2013/2015)(Ref:UT719930). Heritage Lottery Fund. Grant Value: £107,000. Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
3) Dr John Snow and the London Cholera Epidemic Games (2011/2012)(Ref:UT717490). Heritage Lottery Fund and Thames Tunnel. Grant Value: £43,000. Role: Co-Principal Investigator.
4) Augmented Reality Game Storytelling (2010)(Ref: UT716040). Collaboration voucher with Knowledge Connect. Grant Value: £10,000. Role: Principal Investigator.
as well as projects funded by the European Union (DiARTgnosis - Study of European Religious Painting (2000/2003), part of the CULTURE 2000 Programme, Grant Value: €518.782,68; working as research assistant in developing multimedia authoring toolkits.
Editorial Activities
Area Editor, Neural Processing Letters journal, Special Issue on “Neural Networks for Vision and Robotics”, Springer, May 2015.
Organisation of scientific events
Co-chair for the 2nd Special Session on Neural Networks applied to Vision and Robotics (NNVR), part of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2014, WCCI 2014, China.
Co-chair for the Special Session on Active, Incremental and Autonomous Learning: Algorithms and Applications (AIAL), part of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2012, Australia.
Co-chair for the Special Session on Autonomous and Incremental Learning (AIL), part of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2011.
Co-chair for the Special Session on Biometric Systems for Human-machine Interaction (BHMI), part of the International Work Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2011, Spain.
Co-chair for the IEEE Special Session on Active and Autonomous Learning (AAL), part of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2010, WCCI 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Spain.
Co-chair for the 13th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB’08 Doctoral Symposium, 2008, UK.
Panel Chair for the Women in Games (WiG) Conference, 2008, UK.
Technical reviewer of papers in scientific journals
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
IEEE Signal Processing Letters
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Journal of Applied Soft Computing – Elsevier
Journal of Neural Computing and Applications – Springer
Journal IET Computer Vision
Journal IET Image Processing
International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI)
Membership of Committees
PC member for the conference IET Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention
PC member for the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN
PC member for the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems
PC member for the International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technologies
PC member for the IEEE special session on Computational Intelligence for Privacy and Security (CIPS 2010)
PC member for the 2010 International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security (MINES 2010), China, 2010.
PC member for the 2nd Chilean Workshop on Pattern Recognition (CWPR 2010), Chile, 2010