Miss Peggy Atherton

Peggy Atherton work is haunted by a sense of ownership versus loss, of beauty and youth through time. She is interested in how contemporary society relates to nature, cycles of life and decay. Using road kill animals that she finds as materials, the artist create odd circumstances through gestures, materials or colours.
Atherton’s sustained involvement with the processes of sculpture making, carries a playfulness disparate mix of elements, sometimes cast and sometimes presented in their own natural state, by juxtaposing mortality and hope with hints of humour.
A complex relationship that is particularly pertinent with regards to global ecology and our impact on the environment.
Gallery Curator/ co-ordinator Bloomberg London / Tablet Gallery London
Co- curator and founder of ‘Buffet d’art’ Berlin, London 47 international artists.
PG Gallery, Istanbul
Mienbleu Gallery, Berlin
Whitechapel Gallery London
Kate Macgarry Gallery, London
Unit 24’, London
Art on the Underground, London Underground
Represented Friends of the Earth
Commissioned Art Work for Marble Hill House, London
Represented London in ‘What’s new from London’ in Belgium.
Elliot Literary Festival.