Miss Kamala Balu

Kamala Balu is a Senior Lecturer in Occupational and Organisational Psychology at the University of Westminster. She teaches on a range of undergraduate modules and has led various modules in subjects including Work Psychology, Assessment at Work, Perspectives on Behaviour in Organisations and Business Communications. She is the Westminster Business School eMentoring Coordinator. She is currently Deputy Course Leader for the BA Business Management degree and module leader for a core level 4 module in "Behaviour in Organisations". She has led several consultancy and research projects focusing on areas such as Assessment Centres, Management Development, Learning teams, Voluntary employment and motivation and Training and Development. Her past research interest have also included the assessment of competence through the use of simulation exercises.
Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, University of Westminster
MSc Occupational and Organisational Psychology, University of East London
BSc(Hons) Life Sciences, specialising in Psychology, University of Westminster
Professional memberships
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Collaborative research projects to enhance teaching and learning:
Shared Knowledge: Exploring global citizenship in a multicultural classroom. Dr Dawn Williams and Kamala Balu – Advanced HE conference: Teaching in the spotlight: Learning from global communities’ July 2018. To help increase student’s employability on two modules the research aimed to develop an awareness in the students of being ‘global citizens’. This capitalised on one of the University of Westminster’s distinctive features; that of being very multicultural. This environment provides a special opportunity for the students to listen and learn from each other and consider how they can make their degree and their lives count in terms of having an impact on the world and humanity as a whole. In July 2018 we presented these curriculum developments at the Advanced HE conference Learning from Global communities and were able to discuss the ideas with academics from other institutions.
Balu K, Kallis X and Heffernan K (June 2016) Exploring ways of increasing student engagement and satisfaction using e-textbooks’ (Creative Learning: Transforming Teaching – 15th Westminster Symposium.
Balu K, Kallis X and Heffernan K (June 2015) ‘Comparing the reading habits and attitudes of students to e-books and print text books’, Poster presentation (Inspiring Learning – Inspiring Teaching – 14th Westminster Symposium