Dr Chris Christodoulou

I am a Senior Lecturer in the Westminster School of Arts at the University of Westminster. I teach theory and practice, and am interested in the links between sound, moving image production, and emerging/interactive media. In my research and scholarly practice, I adopt a cross-disciplinary and critical theory approach and my published work addresses the impact of accelerated culture on global youth scenes and electronic dance music subcultures. I undertook my PhD thesis, Renegade Hardware: Speed, Technology and Cultural Practice in Drum & Bass Music, between 2005 and 2009. I am also interested in fan communities based on the collecting of retro and obsolete electronic media. I enjoy making music and playing video games.
Christodoulou, C. (2023) ‘Liquid Funk: Acceleration, late capitalism and the signification of nature in jungle drum and bass music’, Journal of Global Pop Cultures, ‘The Natures of Pop’, Issue 2 (2023), https://www.journalofglobalpopcultures.com/issues/the-natures-of-pop...
Christodoulou, C. (2020) ‘Bring the Break-beat Back! Authenticity and the politics of rhythm in drum & bass’, (Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture, Dance Culture in the Time of Corona, (2020, 12(1)), pp. 3-21.
Christodoulou, C. (2020) 'Haunted Science: the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and the lost futures of hauntological music', Scene, pp. 107-120 (2020, 6(2)).
Christodoulou, C. (2019) ‘Sweet Harmony: Rave|Today’ (Philly Adams and Kobi Prempeh (curs.)), (Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture, Ageing with EDMC, (2019, 11(1)).
Christodoulou, C. (2015) ‘Darkcore: dub’s dark legacy in drum ‘n’ bass culture’, (Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture, Echoes from the Dub Diaspora, (2015, 7(2)).
Christodoulou, C. (2013) ‘DJs and the Aesthetic of Acceleration in Drum ‘n’ Bass’, in Bernando Alexander Attias, Anna Gavanas, Hillegonda C. Rietveld (eds.) DJ Culture in the Mix: Power, Technology, and Social Change in Electronic Dance Music, New York and London: Bloomsbury, pp. 195-218.
Christodoulou, C. (2011) ‘Rumble in the Jungle: city, place, and uncanny bass’ (Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture, Special Issue on DJ Culture, (2011, 3(1)).
Christodoulou, C. (2023, May) ‘Rumble in the Jungle: city, place, and uncanny bass’, Low End Theories 2023: Bass Culture, Sound Systems, and Popular Music, https://www.lowendconference.com/; https://youtu.be/f2dxkY7Pvr8
Fraser, A., Belle-Fortune, B., Christodoulou, C., Sandy, S., and DJ Flight, (2021, September) A panel discussion on the impact and significance of Brian Belle-Fortune’s ‘All Crew Muss Big Up’, Dancecult Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMtfMJtoH90&list=PLEnuLChKRzhP08...
Christodoulou, C. (2020, December) ‘Nostalgia and Futurism in Contemporary Electronic Music, CREAM Transmedia Conference 2020, The University of Westminster, London.
Christodoulou, Chris (2019, June) ‘Hauntological Nostalgia: the lost futures of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop’, Researcher Network Conference 2019, The University of Westminster, London.
Christodoulou, Chris (2018, September) ‘Bring the Break-Beat Back: authenticity and the politics of rhythm in jungle and drum ‘n’ bass music’, IASPM UK & Ireland Conference 2018, The University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield.
Christodoulou, Chris (2017, May) Chair, ‘Scenes and Semes and Memes’ panel, Westminster-Goldsmiths Symposium for Research in Popular Music, University of Westminster, London.
Christodoulou, Chris (2016, September) ‘Darkcore: dub’s dark legacy in drum ‘n’ bass culture‘, Sounding Dark panel, The Institute of Contemporary Arts, London.
Christodoulou, Chris (2015, September) Chair, Vocaloids and Alternative Universes panel, The Photographers’ Gallery, London.