Prof Roland Dannreuther

I am Professor of International Relations at the University of Westminster. I joined the University in September 2009 as head of the Department of Politics and International Relations. I was Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (2013-15) and then Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) (2015-19). I was previously Professor of International Relations at the University of Edinburgh (1995-2009); International Fellow at the Department of International Relations, Tbilisi State University, Georgia; Faculty Fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (2000-02); and Research Associate at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (1992-5). I am a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. My research revolves around the area of security studies and international relations with a regional focus on Russia, Central Asia and the Middle East. I also have an interest in the engagement of historical sociology in International Relations.
My research interests are broadly in the area of security studies and international relations with a regional focus on Russia, Central Asia and the Middle East. My research can be broken down into four main parts.
The international politics of energy and energy security.
I am currently working on a third edition of my book 'International Security: the Contemporary Sgenda'. I am also co-editing with Wojciech Ostrowski a handbook on Oil and International Relations.
2009 EU Commission FP7 Grant, POLINARES (Policy for Natural Resources), University of Westminster as an Institutional Partner - £98,992
2007-9 ESRC Grant RES-181-25-0020 on 'Radicalisation' and Violence: the Russian Dimension. Principal Investigator, £202,732
Member of REF2021 Politics and International Studies Sub-Panel (UoA 19)