I joined WBS in 2001. Before that I had worked in the University of North London and at Birkbeck.
PhD - Web Information Modelling and Semantic Annotation, Westminster Business School
Advanced PG Diploma Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of North London
MSc Computer Science, Birkbeck College, University of London
BSc (Eng) Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
Consultancy and professional practice
I have been PI and brought to successful completion three KTPs:
WBS and RPC LLP, a City legal services company. The project was awarded the grade of "Outstanding", won Best KM Initiative or Implementation in a Professional Services Firm (KMUK 2011), was commended in the Intranet Innovations Award 2011 and shortlisted in three other occasions.
WBS and DSPG Telecom, a company supplying specialised telecommunications equipment and infrastructure. The aim of this KTP was the delivery of a business model that would enable DSPG to offer their services to the deaf and hard of hearing community, both nationally and internationally.
WBS and Mapa International, an independent financial research company. The aim of the project was the company's strategic business development and the launching of their products and services into the international marketplace.
Professional memberships
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
My research interests lie in the area of organisational adoption of emerging web technologies, digital innovation and web information and knowledge management.
I am the departmental research leader, representing the department on research matters and responsible for leading, coordinating and supporting my colleagues' research activities and output.
I am member of the editorial board for the International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development and reviewer for a number of journals including the International Journal of Information Management (Elsevier) and the Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems (Emerald).