Dr Panos Hahamis

Prior to joining the University of Westminster, Panos had a career spanning 13 years in the Greek army where he achieved the rank of the Warrant Officer. He is a graduate of Greece’s NCOs Military Academy with a Diploma in Management and Telecommunications and for most of his army career, was an instructor in the field of telecommunications.
He served in Greek Diplomatic Missions abroad including the UK one, and he has also worked as a researcher for a London Member of European Parliament.
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) (Henley Business School)
Post-Graduate Advanced Diploma in Management Consultancy-ADipC (Henley Business School)
PGCHE (University of Westminster)
MSc in Advanced Information Technology (London South Bank University)
BA (Hons) Politics with Geography (University of Westminster)
Higher Diploma in Management and Telecommunications (Hellenic Army NCO's Military Academy)
Professional memberships
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Member of the British Computer Society (MBCS)
Member of the Chartered Management Institute (MCMI)
Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (MCIL)
Global Internet Society (ISOC) Member
As a former public servant and military officer, in recent years his research interests have focused on e-Government, Digital Government, Social Media in Government and Public Procurement.