Prof Izzet Kale

Professor Izzet Kale is the Head of the Department of Engineering at the University of Westminster and Director of the Applied DSP and VLSI Research Group, which he founded in the late eighties, where he has undertaken numerous next generation product oriented innovative applied research and development projects/contracts for European, US and Japanese corporations, leading to a number of consumer electronic ICs/products as well as systems.
His research, teaching, industrial knowledge transfer and industry facing activities include digital and analogue signal processing, mixed-signal silicon circuit and system design (synchronous and asynchronous), sensors, and sensor networks, reduced complexity low-power multi-standard GNSS receivers along with efficient biomedical signal and image processing techniques and satellite on-board processing and processors as well as communication systems and receivers. He is currently leading research in the design and efficient implementation of sensors and sensor networks, for ground sensors and unmanned aerial vehicles based sensors and sensor networks for environment, monitoring as well as for wearable devices for health and wellbeing applications. All developed low-power DSP algorithms and devices are applicable in the communications, GNSS, sensors and biomedical industries and are inline with the next generation Internet of Things concepts. He is also working with the European Space Agency on efficient low-power and complexity reduced reconfigurable channeliser algorithms and processors to be deployed in next generation on-board satellite processing systems.
He has served and continues to serve on the IEEE UK&I Section Committee for a number of years, and is currently the Chapter Chair for the CAS and I&M Chapters. He has also served on a number of IEEE International Conference/Workshop organizing committees, as well as undertaking Associate Editor, Reviewer and Special Session Organizer duties for IEEE and RIN journals. He has co-authored and published over 350 refereed conference and journal publications, supervised 31 PhD students to successful completion and is currently supervising 7 others. He holds 7 patents and is co-author of 3 books in the areas of his research.
Professor Kale's research, teaching, industrial knowledge transfer and industry facing activities include digital and analogue signal processing, mixed-signal silicon circuit and system design (synchronous and asynchronous), sensors, and sensor networks, reduced complexity low-power multi-standard GNSS receivers along with efficient biomedical signal and image processing techniques and satellite on-board processing and processors as well as communication systems and receivers. He is currently leading research in the design and efficient implementation of sensors and sensor networks, for ground sensors and unmanned aerial vehicles based sensors and sensor networks for environment, monitoring as well as for wearable devices for health and wellbeing applications. All developed low-power DSP algorithms and devices are applicable in the communications, GNSS, sensors and biomedical industries and are inline with the next generation Internet of Things concepts. He is also working with the European Space Agency on efficient low-power and complexity reduced reconfigurable channeliser algorithms and processors to be deployed in next generation on-board satellite processing systems.
He has served and continues to serve on the IEEE UK&I Section Committee for a number of years, and is currently the Chapter Chair for the CAS and I&M Chapters. He has also served on a number of IEEE International Conference/Workshop organizing committees, as well as undertaking Associate Editor, Reviewer and Special Session Organizer duties for IEEE and RIN journals. He has co-authored and published over 350 refereed conference and journal publications, supervised 31 PhD students to successful completion and is currently supervising 7 others. He holds 7 patents and is co-author of 3 books in the areas of his research.
He has undertaken numerous applied research and development contracts sponsored by industry and research councils and has a 100% track record in successful delivery of these.