Mr Kosmas Kosmopoulos

Kosmas Kosmopoulos joined the University of Westminster in 2005. He is a fractional lecturer in BIMO and also at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST). Kosmas' background is in Computer Networks and he has worked as a lecturer since 2000. He is a member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET) and of the British Computer Society (MBCS). His research interests are the areas of Business Computing and the integration of Information technology in the Business environment, Global Computing, Mobile Commerce and Mobile Learning. He has also a professional interest in university strategy and in higher education management areas, where he pursues further studies.
Msc Computer Networks, Middlesex University BSc (Hons) Computer Systems with Electronics, Middlesex University
Member of the IET Member of the BCS
Kosmas research interests are in the areas of Digital Business and User Experience/User Research