Prof Adam Lazowski

Prof. dr Adam Lazowski is a Professor of EU law at the Westminster Law School, University of Westminster. His research focuses on EU pre-accession policy, EU External Relations, Internal Market, EU Criminal Law as well as withdrawal from the European Union. On the latter topic Prof. Łazowski has published extensively in academic journals (European Law Review, Public Law, Journal of European Public Policy) and edited volumes (Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press). His monograph on legal parameters of EU exit is forthcoming in 2023 (Edward Elgar Publishing). He is also a co-editor (with Dr Graham Butler) of 'Shaping EU Law the British Way: UK Advocates General at the Court of Justice of the European Union’ (Hart Publishing, 2022) and a co-editor (with Professor Adam Cygan) of ‘Research Handbook on Legal Aspects of Brexit (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022). Adam serves in editorial boards of New Journal of European Criminal Law, an on-line journal European Papers and Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy. He regularly speaks at conferences around the World. Adam is also a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Natolin) and Ivan Franko National University in Lviv (Ukraine). Over the years he delivered guest lectures delivered at various European universities, including College of Europe, University of Surrey, University of Leicester, University of Sussex, University of Warsaw, University of Tartu, Université Libre de Bruxelles, University of Zagreb, University of Luxembourg, University of Basel, University of Rotterdam, Sapienza University Rome, Mohyla University Kyiv, Shevchenko University Kyiv. He regularly teaches at the European Law Academy (ERA) in Trier (Germany) and European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) in Luxembourg. In November 2012 Prof. Lazowski provided oral and written evidence to the House of Lords EU Select Committee (enquiry into the EU Enlargements). In December 2015 he provided oral and written evidence to the Scottish Parliament (enquiry into withdrawal from the EU).
Professor Łazowski divides his time between law and photography. In 2016 his album of black & white photos from Albania (“Albania through a lens”) was published by Dudaj Publishing and it coincided with an exhibition at Kalo Gallery in Tirana.