Dr Yang-im Lee

Dr Lee has lived and worked in South Korea, Japan and the United Kingdom, and is a strategic marketing specialist with knowledge of how a national cultural value system transforms organizational culture. Dr Lee has worked at Brunel University; Royal Holloway, University of London; and has been associated with research projects at Birkbeck, University of London. Dr Lee has published widely and has participated in a number of workshops involving the private sector and the public sector.
Dr. Lee has focused her research effort in the area of Strategic Marketing Management, and has published widely in this area. She has linked aspects of general management with management policy and practice, and added to the strategic marketing body of knowledge by incorporating the concepts of organizational learning and organizational resilience.
Her research interests are focused on strategic partnership vis-à-vis marketing intelligence and its utilization from different cultural perspectives and how strategic partnership arrangements are developed. She has focused her research in the area of general management and strategy, and undertaken cyber security management research. Issues in cyber space are gaining more attention and areas of current interest is online marketing involving artificial intelligence have received attention. She has undertaken research relating to an emerging market and has knowledge of academia, industry and government research projects having worked on TSB funded projects, one of which involved 7 partner organizations (3 HEs, 3 SMES and 1 MNC company).
Areas of past and current research include marketing strategy from a cultural perspective including the use of communications technology (technology utilization).
Currently, my research interests are in the area of the Internet economy such as:
· Technology and Marketing Strategy
· Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) /Virtual influencers (VI) and interactive marketing
· Consumer Motivation
· Attitudinal change
· Culture and use of technology
Dr. Lee has published widely in international and national academic journals. The range of topics covered include marketing and strategy. Papers have been published in various academic journals including the European Journal of Marketing; Gaming & Simulation: An International Journal of Theory, Practice and Research; European Business Review; Industrial Marketing Management; Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing; Journal of Brand Management; and Sécurité & Stratégie.
Research: example content for inclusion:
As well as researching into aspects of digital marketing and marketing strategy, I intend to undertake research into aspects of cyber security management. I have worked with colleagues co-edited several special issues of online journals. In addition, I helped colleagues to organize online conferences in the area of cyber security management. With an external colleague, I produced a text book entitled: Strategic Cyber Security Management (2023), published by Routledge. This has since been translated into Turkish (published in September 2023).
I have co-edited a book: "Managing Cybersecurity Threats and Increasing Organizational Resilience" (December 2023), which is interdisciplinary in nature and includes material from social science and computer science researchers.
Currently, colleagues in the UK, USA and South Korea, are discussing about the involvement of women in cyber security and the challenges to be overcome and this is a project to be further developed.
Also, I am interested in new approaches to consumer learning, attitude change and behavioural change, especially in relation to the use of the latest communications technologies. At present, I am working with a number of colleagues on a joint project in relation to consumer perception of virtual influencers (VI) on consumer interaction and their purchase intention.