Ms Jeanette Nicholas

Jeanette Nicholas LLB (Hons), LLM (LSE), PGDipHE, SFHEA
Jeanette is an Assistant Head at Westminster Law School, with the portfolios of employability, marketing & admissions. With the support of an academic and professional support team, she co-ordinates careers, alumni and employer engagement initiatives, organizing events, maintaining links with alumni and developing outreach programmes.
She is also the module leader for Law of the European Union and Work Experience in a Legal Setting on the LLB course and also teaches Legal Skills and career development planning. She was one of the founding members of the Diversity in Law team, which provided placements in City law firms and in-house legal departments for undergraduate law students.
More recently, as Westminster Law School's Employability Director, she created the Legal Skills Academy in collaboration with the Careers and Employability Service: a series of workshops, panel discussions and networking events.
She is also the LLB Admissions Tutor and a member of the School's Teaching and Learning and Marketing committees.
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