Prof Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos

Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, LLB (Aristotelian), LLM (King's College), PhD (Birkbeck) is Professor of Law & Theory and Director of The Westminster Law & Theory Lab, an international research centre in the heart of London with a vibrant series of events, publications, internships and research clusters.
Andreas's research interests are multiple and include critical legal theory, sociolegal studies, autopoiesis, philosophy, psychoanalysis, architecture, geography, art, ecophilosophy, object-oriented ontology, theology, phenomenology, and their critical instances of confluence. He has been invited to talk about his research in various institutions around the world.
Andreas is also a practicing artist working on performance, photography, text, installations and sculpture, with several shows, performances and actions around the world. Notably, he was invited to do a performance drawing on his theoretical work at the opening of the 58th Venice Art Biennale 2019.
Andreas has been awarded the Oxford University Press National Law Teacher of the Year Award 2011. He was subsequently invited to join the Judging Panel of the Award, which he did until 2019. In 2016 he has been awarded the IUCN Distinguished Environmental Law Education Global Award 2016.
He retains professorial affiliations with The Copenhagen Business School, Centre for Management, Politics and Philosophy, and the Department of Design and Planning in Complex Environments, IUAV, Venice.
Andreas's research is radically interdisciplinary. He is interested in approaching law and normativity through various disciplines, notably geography, architecture, art, philosophy, political theory and ecology, and through such strands of thought as autopoiesis, Deleuzian studies, feminism, object-oriented ontology and new materialism.
He is Staff and Graduate Students Research Seminars Convener.
He is the editor (with Professor Christian Borch) of the Routledge series Space, Materiality and the Normative, editor (with Danilo Mandic, Caterina Nirta and Andrea Pavoni) of the University of Westminster Press series Law and the Senses, and editor-in-chief (with David Chandler and Jane Lewis) of the new interdisciplinary journal ANTHROPOCENES.
Doctoral Supervision: Andreas welcomes expressions of interest in areas such as Law and Theory, Systems Theory/Critical Autopoiesis, Deleuze and the Law, Space, Geography and Law, Spatial Justice, Materiality, Object-Oriented Ontology, Sensory Jurisprudence, Environmental Law, amongst other areas of research interest.