Dr Christine Porter

Dr Christine Porter is a principal lecturer and course leader for MA Human Resource Management (part-time version) in Westminster Business School. Her specialisms are International Human Resource Management and Employee Relations. Her background is in line management and human resource management in the hotel industry, in both London and Paris. She has considerable experience of running management training courses in the UK and has conducted many overseas assignments, including in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. During 2005/6 she was part of an ACAS team advising the Romanian Economic & Social Council on accession to the European Union. . Her doctoral thesis was in the area of impact of national culture on management practice and learning styles, a subject on which she continues to write and research.
Christine has recently completed a 7th edition of a text The Skills of Management and Leadership (co-authored with W. David Rees) published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2015.
Fellow Chartered FCIPD by examination and experience
EdD (London - Institute of Education)
MSc (Econ) Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (London School of Economics)
BA (Hons) (Polytechnic of Central London) Social Science - Economics, Politics and Statiistics
Effects of societal culture on learning in postgraduate business & management programmes.
Development of Managers into Specialists – currently exploring new project in this area with the Home Office.
Developments in Career Management in Banks & Building Societies and impact of banking crash of 2008.
Doctoral thesis: The impact of international student background on student achievement in postgraduate business and management programmes
Investigation into the ways in which Total Compensation Systems can impact upon the recruitment and retention of scarce key personnel (for Pearl Assurance) (with W. David Rees)
Systems of Industrial Relations in the Performing Arts sponsored by PCL, Arts Council of Great Britain, Calouste Guilbenkian Foundation & Social Science Research Council.