Ms Lucy Reynolds

My research as a researcher, curator and artist is most particularly focused on questions of the moving image, feminism, political space and collective practice. I have written for a range of journals including Afterall, the Moving Image Review and Art Journal, Screen and Screendance, and publications include David Curtis, Duncan White (eds) The Expanded Cinema Book, Afterall/Tate publications , 2010, Bridget Crone (ed) The Sensible Stage: Staging and the Moving Image, Picture This publications, Bristol, 2012 and François Bovier, Adeena Mey (eds.), Exhibiting the Moving Image: History Revisited, Zurich, JRP-Ringier, December 2015. I also write for Art Agenda and Millennium Film Journal, and has curated exhibitions and film programmes for a range of institutions from Tate and MUHKA, Antwerp to the ICA and the South London Gallery. My own films, performances, sound works and installations have shown in galleries and cinemas nationally, and the ongoing sound work A Feminist Chorus have been performed at Glasgow Women’s Library for the Glasgow International Festival 2014, as part of Electra’s residency for Wysing Arts, summer 2015, as part of Now You Can Go, The Showroom, Winter 2015 and most recently as a European Chorus for No Fun without EU: Artists In Common, September 2016.