Dr Natasha Ramachandran

Dr Natasha Ramachandran

Dr Natasha Ramachandran is a Chartered Psychologist, Lecturer in Psychology and new Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts. Completing her PhD in 2023, Natasha has an extensive understanding of both complex statistical analyses and qualitative research methods, specialising in Cortisol research methodologies. She has a current interest in the arts and the use of creative expression to share personal journeys which was recently exhibited in the International Women's Day 2024 celebrations. 

Current research interests include understanding the biomarkers of health and well-being in first generation UK migrants. Natasha has been recently awarded funding from  the Health Innovation and Wellbeing community scheme (Communities | University of Westminster, London) to pilot a small scale study in first generation UK migrants. 

  • Psychophysiology and Stress Research Group
  • Centre for Psychological Sciences
  • Homelands

Sustainable Development Goals
In brief

Research areas

Biological Psychology, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Biomarkers of Wellbeing and Cortisol research

Skills / expertise

Mixed Methodologies (Quantitative and Qualitative) research design, Immunoassay techniques and Research design

Supervision interests

Biological Psychology , First generation migrants and Biomarkers of health and well-being