Marc Mason BSc (Hons), MSc, MBACP, GMBPsS, Barrister, FHEA is an academic and practitioner whose work crosses the domains of law, psychology and psychotherapy. He joined Westminster Law School in 2013 following a period of practice as a Family Law Barrister specialising in child protection. Marc has studied both law and psychology at postgraduate level and has held research posts at UCL and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. He has worked on research projects funded by the Ministry of Justice, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Nuffield Foundation. Marc is co-director of the Centre on the Legal Profession.
His current research looks at the relationship between lawyers and their clients through the lens of psychotherapy research. He also recently completed research looking at the experiences of LGBT+ barristers. He is co-editor (with Naomi Creutzfeldt and Kirsten McConnachie) of the Routledge Handbook of Socio-Legal Theory and Methods.
He is module leader for The Psychology of Legal Practice and Child Protection Law and Policy and teaches on the Family Law module. He also contributes to Law and Mental Health; Law, Policy and Practice, and Research Theory and Practice modules. Marc has previously led 21st Century Law and Public Law modules.
Marc was part of a delegation of lawyers who undertook an analysis of Israeli military law and practice as they affect Palestinian children in the West Bank, and which found Israel to be in breach of a number of articles of the UNCRC and the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Marc is a Barrister, a Humanistic Counsellor registered with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP), a graduate member of the British Psychological Society and a trainee member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).
Marc would consider supervising research students in any of the above areas.
Marc is co-director of the Centre on the Legal Profession.