Dr Ozlem Koksal


Secularism, Decoloniality and the Veil: Kutlug Ataman and Cigdem Aydemir on Hair and Veiling
Koksal, O. 2023. Secularism, Decoloniality and the Veil: Kutlug Ataman and Cigdem Aydemir on Hair and Veiling. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies. 37 (5), pp. 685-698. https://doi.org/10.1080/10304312.2024.2304797


A Hand that Holds a Machete: Race and the Representation of the Displaced in Jacques Audiard’s Dheepan
Koksal, O. and Rappas-Celik, I.A. 2019. A Hand that Holds a Machete: Race and the Representation of the Displaced in Jacques Audiard’s Dheepan. Third Text. 33 (2), pp. 256-267. https://doi.org/10.1080/09528822.2019.1590067


Past Not-So-Perfect: Ararat and Its Reception in Turkey
Koksal, O. 2014. Past Not-So-Perfect: Ararat and Its Reception in Turkey. Cinema Journal. 54 (1), pp. 45-64. https://doi.org/10.1353/cj.2014.0069


Aesthetics of Displacement: Turkey and its Minorities on Screen
Koksal, O. 2016. Aesthetics of Displacement: Turkey and its Minorities on Screen. Bloomsbury Academic.


World Film Locations: Istanbul
Koksal, O. (ed.) 2012. World Film Locations: Istanbul. London Intellect.


From Wim Wenders' Lisbon to Fatih Akin's Istanbul: Producing the Cool City in Film
Koksal, O. 2015. From Wim Wenders' Lisbon to Fatih Akin's Istanbul: Producing the Cool City in Film. in: Ozkan, D. (ed.) Cool Istanbul: Urban Enclosures and Resistances Bielefeld transcript Verlag. pp. 81-101

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